I'd opt in for something like:

LiftRules.logger = Log4J


LiftRule.logger = MyOwnLogger


On Feb 25, 11:23 am, Jeppe Nejsum Madsen <je...@ingolfs.dk> wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm about to start sprinkling the new logging code over some of Lift's
> internals. But first, the logging backend needs configuring.
> When the dust has settled and the new logging code is fully implemented,
> this needs to happen in a client app:
> 1) Choose a logging backend and add the dependency (ie slf4j-log4j or
> logback-classic)
> 2) Initialize the logging backend
> For step 2) I was thinking of some simple helpers that configures the
> logging backend using lift's properties:
> Log4j.configure
> Logback.configure
> Very simple, so I don't think there is a need to specify a setup
> function in either LogBoot or LiftRules. But opinions wanted!
> The current logging code will be deprecated and until removed, the
> following will happen:
> 1) slf4j-log4j will be added as dependency to lift-util
> 2) The current LogBoot.loggerSetup will call Log4j.configure
> Thoughts?
> /Jeppe

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