Just wondering if anyone had any thoughts on this?

I still can't bind fields in an embedded template. They're returned as is, not transformed. Not sure what I'm doing wrong.

On 02/23/2010 11:33 AM, Nolan Darilek wrote:
Cool, thanks for all your help here. It's been quite a bit to digest, and I finally got around to revisiting this problem today.

So I'm not sure why my initial attempts to return a <lift:embed> from the render method failed, but today that seems to work. Need to see if Firefox is doing anything odd with caching, because I seem to have lots of odd problems of this sort. In the meantime, I'll poke at things with Curl before claiming that they don't work.

I'm trying to create a cleaner design based on returning lift:embed, but I'm still having problems, even after Curl. :) Here's what I have thus far.

My status.html:

<lift:surround with="default" at="content">


<lift:comet type="ImportMonitor"/>

templateshidden/importing.html, returned by comet render:


And part of my ImportMonitor code:

class ImportMonitor extends CometActor {
  def render = {
    if(importsCount == 0)
<p>No imports are currently in progress.</p>
    else {
      bind("import", <lift:embed what="importing"/>,
        "name" -> "Name"


I've tried a variety of things at that bind call. What it ultimately does is returns my template as is, including the <import:name></import:name>. I also tried eager_eval="true" on the embed element, but with no luck.

Thoughts on what I'm missing? I feel like binding keeps tripping me up. I understand the concept, in essence, but it seems like this should work to me and I don't see why it isn't.

Thanks for being such a newbie-friendly community.

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