David Pollak <feeder.of.the.be...@gmail.com> writes:


>> > What do you keep in your properties files that can change at runtime?
>> Translated strings.
> You keep your translated strings in the files accessed by
> net.liftweb.util.Props?  I haven't done any Lift localization, but I think
> that's the wrong place for them.

Ahh I see we've been talking past each other then. I was talking about
properties in the general sense (as read by e.g. S.?()), not about
net.liftweb.util.Props which I agree is not important for dynamic reload.

> If the current implementation of the localization stuff isn't reloading the
> localization files on change during dev mode, that's a defect (or an
> enhancement) and deserves a ticket.

Good to see we're on the same page after all. I'm pretty sure they're
not being reloaded, but will double check and file a ticket if needed.


> I'm not going to call Boot again, but I have a bunch of ideas of an
> efficient mechanism for recalculating stuff on a request-by-request basis in
> dev mode, but only once in production mode.

But it will still require something that picks up the changed/reloaded
class files from somewhere? I look forward to try it out.


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