To test further, I've created a simple test project with only one dependency, 
lift-couchdb, and this code:

object Settings extends Settings with CouchMetaRecord[ Settings]
class Settings extends CouchRecord[ Settings] {
        def meta = Settings
        object updated extends JSONDateTimeField( this)

object Testing {

        def main( args: Array[ String]) {
                import CouchDB.defaultDatabase
                defaultDatabase = new Database( :/( "localhost", 5984) as_! ( 
"username", "password"), "database")

                val settings = Settings.createRecord
                settings.updated( Calendar.getInstance( TimeZone.getTimeZone( 

I get the same error:


I've also put the test code in Github in case anyone might be able to reproduce 
it locally:


On Mar 3, 2010, at 9:54 PM, Naftoli Gugenheim wrote:

> AbstractMethodError means you need to do a clean build and make sure you 
> don't have multiple scala versions.
> -------------------------------------
> Craig Blake<> wrote:
> Just took a minor change to compile (didn't like ?~) and I'll let you know 
> how it goes soon.  I'm running into one more problem, this time a runtime 
> exception saving a document:
> java.lang.AbstractMethodError: 
> test.Settings$updated$.encode(Ljava/lang/Object;)Ljava/lang/String;
>       at 
> net.liftweb.couchdb.JSONEncodedStringFieldMixin$$anonfun$asJValue$6.apply(JSONRecord.scala:319)
>       at 
> net.liftweb.couchdb.JSONEncodedStringFieldMixin$$anonfun$asJValue$6.apply(JSONRecord.scala:319)
>       at
>       at net.liftweb.couchd...
> The field is defined as:
> object updated extends JSONDateTimeField( this)
> Surely something else I missed?
> Craig
> On Mar 3, 2010, at 8:39 PM, Ross Mellgren wrote:
>> Try this:
>> /** Enum data field for JSON records. Encodes as JString */
>> class JSONEnumNameField[OwnerType <: JSONRecord[OwnerType], EnumType <: 
>> Enumeration]
>>                      (rec: OwnerType, enum: EnumType)(implicit 
>> enumValueType: Manifest[EnumType#Value])
>> extends EnumField[OwnerType, EnumType](rec, enum) with JSONField
>> {
>> def this(rec: OwnerType, enum: EnumType, value: EnumType#Value)(implicit 
>> enumValueType: Manifest[EnumType#Value]) = {
>>     this(rec, enum)
>>     set(value)
>> }
>> def this(rec: OwnerType, enum: EnumType, value: 
>> Box[EnumType#Value])(implicit enumValueType: Manifest[EnumType#Value]) = {
>>     this(rec, enum)
>>     setBox(value)
>> }
>> def asJValue: JValue = => JString(v.toString)) openOr 
>> (JNothing: JValue)
>> def fromJValue(jvalue: JValue): Box[EnumType#Value] = jvalue match {
>>   case JNothing|JNull if optional_? => setBox(Empty)
>>   case JString(s)                   => setBox(enum.valueOf(s) ?~ ("Unknown 
>> value \"" + s + "\""))
>>   case other                        => setBox(expectedA("JString", other))
>> }
>> }
>> Let me know if it works for you. If so, I'll start the process of getting it 
>> into master as soon as I can.
>> -Ross
>> On Mar 3, 2010, at 8:12 PM, Craig Blake wrote:
>>> Sure, will do.  The only thing I think I'll need to figure out is how to 
>>> persist an enumeration by name rather than ordinal value, but I imagine 
>>> that it should be pretty straight-forward to add a new field type in my app 
>>> to handle it.
>>> Thanks,
>>> Craig
>>> On Mar 3, 2010, at 7:45 PM, Ross Mellgren wrote:
>>>> It's no problem, as I mentioned the compiler error is practically useless.
>>>> Hope you get along well, let me know if you have any other issues.
>>>> -Ross
>>>> On Mar 3, 2010, at 7:29 PM, Craig Blake wrote:
>>>>> Yep, that seems to be better.  Sorry for the noise, I don't know why I 
>>>>> didn't think to check that.
>>>>> Thanks for the quick answer.
>>>>> Craig
>>>>> On Mar 3, 2010, at 4:44 PM, Ross Mellgren wrote:
>>>>>> Unfortunately the compiler error is bizarre (due to some of the type 
>>>>>> shuffling involved), but the underlying problem you're experiencing is 
>>>>>> that DateTimeFields (and therefore JSONDateTimeFields) have a storage 
>>>>>> type of Calendar, and you're trying to assign a Date to them. Try 
>>>>>> Calendar.getInstance instead of new Date() and see if that resolves it 
>>>>>> for you?
>>>>>> -Ross
>>>>>> On Mar 3, 2010, at 4:32 PM, Craig Blake wrote:
>>>>>>> Hi,
>>>>>>> I am getting familiar with the lift-couchdb module, and trying to put 
>>>>>>> together a sample based on the tests in the module.  Trying to create a 
>>>>>>> record, based on this test code:
>>>>>>> def testRec1: Person ="Alice").age(25)
>>>>>>> this is what I have:
>>>>>>> class Account extends CouchRecord[Account] {
>>>>>>>         def meta = Account
>>>>>>>         object created extends JSONDateTimeField(this)
>>>>>>> }
>>>>>>> object Account extends Account with CouchMetaRecord[Account]
>>>>>>> ...
>>>>>>> val account = Account.createRecord.created(new Date())
>>>>>>> I get a compilation error:
>>>>>>> [WARNING] Test.scala:44: error: overloaded method value apply with 
>>>>>>> alternatives ((net.liftweb.common.Box[_12.MyType])test.Account) forSome 
>>>>>>> { val _12: object test.Account#created } <and> 
>>>>>>> ((_13.MyType)test.Account) forSome { val _13: object 
>>>>>>> test.Account#created } cannot be applied to (java.util.Date)
>>>>>>> [WARNING]               val account = Account.createRecord.created( new 
>>>>>>> Date())
>>>>>>> I'm sure that I am just missing something obvious.  Any ideas what?
>>>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>>>> Craig
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