Can you please send me a minimalistic example ? .. The comet actor
shutdown looks correct to me as after the lazy content is rendered
that comet is not needed anymore.

Can you check with firebug if you get any asynchronous javascript back
from the comet request?

On Mar 8, 4:31 pm, Jeppe Nejsum Madsen <> wrote:
> Hi,
> I have a page with a somewhat lengthy first-time load. So I found
> lazy-load that looked handy, but it doesn't seem to work. This is my
> template:
> <lift:surround with="wide" at="content">
>   <h2>Udvikling per måned</h2>
>   <lift:lazy-load>
>   <lift:performanceChart>
>     <div class="span-5">
>       Vis:<br/>
>       <performance:mapReduce/><br/>
>       Opdel efter:<br/>
>       <performance:groupBy/>
>     </div>
>     <div class="column span-19 last">
>       <performance:chart/>
>       <div id="table"><performance:dataTable/></div>
>     </div>
>   </lift:performanceChart>
>   </lift:lazy-load>
> </lift:surround>
> Nothing in the performanceChart snippet is rendered when wrapped with
> lazy-load (but I see from the logs that the snippet as being called)
> If I wait  a while, I can see the comet actor shutdown:
> 15:29:55.096 [ool-2-thread-13] INFO  lift
>    - The CometActor
> net.liftweb.builtin.snippet.asyncrenderco...@131e8e72 Received
> Shutdown
> What am I missing?
> /Jeppe

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