On 20 February 2018 at 02:08, Rusty Russell <ru...@rustcorp.com.au> wrote:
> Hi all,
>         This consumed much of our lightning dev interop call today!  But
> I think we have a way forward, which is in three parts, gated by a new
> feature bitpair:

We've built a prototype with a new feature bit `channel_range_queries`
and the following logic:
When you receive their init message and check their local features
- if they set `initial_routing_sync` and `channel_range_queries` then
do nothing (they will send you a `query_channel_range`)
- if they set `initial_routing_sync` and not `channel_range_queries`
then send your routing table (as before)
- if you support `channel_range_queries` then send a
`query_channel_range` message

This way new and old nodes should be able to understand each other

> 1. query_short_channel_id
> =========================
> 1. type: 260 (`query_short_channel_id`)
> 2. data:
>    * [`32`:`chain_hash`]
>    * [`8`:`short_channel_id`]

We could add a `data` field which contains zipped ids like in
`reply_channel_range` so we can query several items with a single
message ?

> 1. type: 262 (`reply_channel_range`)
> 2. data:
>    * [`32`:`chain_hash`]
>    * [`4`:`first_blocknum`]
>    * [`4`:`number_of_blocks`]
>    * [`2`:`len`]
>    * [`len`:`data`]

We could add an additional `encoding_type` field before `data` (or it
could be the first byte of `data`)

> Appendix A: Encoding Sizes
> ==========================
> I tried various obvious compression schemes, in increasing complexity
> order (see source below, which takes stdin and spits out stdout):
>         Raw = raw 8-byte stream of ordered channels.
>         gzip -9: gzip -9 of raw.
>         splitgz: all blocknums first, then all txnums, then all outnums, then 
> gzip -9
>         delta: CVarInt encoding: 
> blocknum_delta,num,num*txnum_delta,num*outnum.
>         deltagz: delta, with gzip -9
> Corpus 1: LN mainnet dump, 1830 channels.[1]
>         Raw: 14640 bytes
>         gzip -9: 6717 bytes
>         splitgz: 6464 bytes
>         delta: 6624 bytes
>         deltagz: 4171 bytes
> Corpus 2: All P2SH outputs between blocks 508000-508999 incl, 790844 
> channels.[2]
>         Raw: 6326752 bytes
>         gzip -9: 1861710 bytes
>         splitgz: 964332 bytes
>         delta: 1655255 bytes
>         deltagz: 595469 bytes
> [1] http://ozlabs.org/~rusty/short_channels-mainnet.xz
> [2] http://ozlabs.org/~rusty/short_channels-all-p2sh-508000-509000.xz

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