Hello, dev-lightning community,
I’m writing to you to share an update of my Thesis project (previous object 
e-mail: Recovering protocol for Lightning network 11/01/2018).
I warn you that this message is quite long, but I hope that could be 
interesting for you, and then it would be great receiving your opinions. :-)

The problem that I'm focusing on is the recovering mechanism of false positive 
in the Lightning network, that it is possible to re-define as how it is 
possible to have a solution of backup in the network in case of false positive 
nodes, with a particular attention to privacy and security.
First of all, compared to the solution proposed in the previous e-mail, I've 
decided not to use the other connected nodes as the back-up of recent status, 
but using Watchtowers. In fact, the problem of using a normal node is that it 
might be offline, and so it could not guarantee the service of backup.
In my design, I consider a watchtower simply as a full node that is online 24h, 
but I have not considered the mechanism of monitoring status channel (maybe we 
can overlap the two functions later).

An example is that in the near future, the main e-commerce organizations may 
offer a new service of "Watchtower- Recovery", that the nodes can purchase to 
back up their commitments data. This means that the user can leverage a payment 
channel with the watchtower offering the service.

This feature strongly suggests using more than one watchtower, to mitigate the 
risk that a single watchtower is attacked and all data inside are deleted.

In my solution, I define two new concepts:
- nonce-time Tn, as the current value of nonce-time (sequential integer number 
that defines the order   of the backups)
- payload P, that consists of
  1.a zip of all status channels of a node A at a specific time T1
  2. the nonce time corresponds to the time T1 of the status contained in the 
  3. channel_id of the channel with A
This payload is encrypted by the public key of the node A, so the watchtowers 
cannot know the status channel of A. -> {zip(T1), T1, channel_id} pk(A)

The idea is not sent all data to all watchtowers, but just send the actual 
nonce-time and the actual payload to one of the watchtower, and just send the 
new nonce-time to the others. Therefore, we can split the data into different 
watchtowers, without sending the payload after each transaction to all of them.

To explain the design, let's consider Alice, which has a channel (with Eltoo 
protocol) with Bob, Charlie, Diana, and three watchtowers W0, W1 and W2. 
Everytime that Alice is online, she is connected to the three watchtowers.

How to send data to the watchtowers

Alice and Bob change their status channel. So, Alice sends the new status to 
the watchtowers W0 and shares the current nonce-time with W1 and W2. When Alice 
sends her information to the three watchtowers, these memorize the node, 
current nonce-time, payload:

W0: A T0 P0
W1: A T0   -
W2: A T0   -

Alice and Charlie change the status of their channel. So, Alice sends the new 
status to W1 and sends the new nonce-time to the others, which substitute the 
previous current nonce-time in the information of A:

W0: A T1 P0
W1: A T1 P1
W2: A T1  -

Alice and Diana change the status of their channel. So, Alice sends the new 
status to W2 and sends the new nonce-time to the others:

W0: A T2 P0
W1: A T2 P1
W2: A T2 P2

Alice and Charlie change again the status of the channel. So, Alice sends the 
new status to W1 and upgrade the nonce in the others:
W0: A T3 P3
W1: A T3 P1
W2: A T3 P2

How to request back up to the watchtowers

When Alice needs to have the backup of all her data, she has to ask all her 
watchtowers the information connected to her node. For example, taking the last 
example above:

W0 sends {A, T3, P3} to A
W1 sends {A, T3, P1} to A
W2 sends {A, T3, P2} to A

Alice analyzes the information sent by W2, she notices that the payload 
contains the nonce T2, whereas the new nonce-time is T3. Then, she notices that 
the payload sent by W1 corresponds to T1, but the nonce is T3. When Alice 
analyzes the information sent by W0, she can analyze that the Payload 
corresponds to T3, that is also the last nonce-time. So Alice knows her last 


Since all the watchtowers store the current time-nonce and the payload is 
encrypted with the public key of A, we can mitigate the following risks:
- a watchtower sends an older payload instead of the last one. The payload has 
to contain the current time-nonce to be considered the last one, each payload 
with a nonce time older are not considered.
- if the watchtower W0 with the last payload P3, sends P0 and you know that the 
current nonce time is T3, it is possible to discover the malicious activity. If 
W1 has the payload P1, the W2 has the payload P2 and the current nonce-time is 
T3, I could conclude that W0 contains P3 and is cheating.
-If one of the watchtowers, W3 decides to change the nonce-time, for example 
from T3 to T5 and send to A T5 with the payload. Alice can think that the 
actual time-nonce is T5, but no one of the watchtowers contains a payload 
corresponding to the state T5. This sort of misbehaviour is solved from the 
majority, e.g. if 2/3 nodes confirm that the actual nonce-time is T3, Alice 
considers this last nonce-time as the last one and not T5. The attack can 
happen just If the 51% of the watchtower agree to cheat and send to Alice 
another nonce-time.


Every time that the node A requests data to the watchtower for the backup, she 
sends it a small fee through the Lightning channel. This money encourages the 
watchtowers to guarantee the service every time.

This one is a simple draft of my design, If you have any feedback/suggestions, 
please do not hesitate to contact me, even a short feedback would be very 
helpful! :-)
In more details, I'd like to know does it make sense to overlap the concept of 
watchtower with the mechanism of backup?

Thank you very much in advance,


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