Good morning Stepan,

> # Offline invoice generation
> Some time ago there was a discussion about offline vending machines, the idea 
> was to pre-load a vending machine with invoices, display invoices to the user 
> and ask for the preimage as a payment confirmation. When all invoices are 
> used or expired we refill it with the new ones. It is great but it doesn't 
> work if the payment amount is variable (pay for volume or time).
> An alternative could be to share the node private key with the vending 
> machines to generate invoices on the fly, but it is a security hole. There is 
> a trick though how generate invoices that our online node could claim without 
> exposing any secrets to the vending machine.
> Vending machine generates an ephemeral key `k` and corresponding ephemeral 
> node id `K`. It generates an invoice signed with this key. It also includes a 
> routing information that the payment should go through our online node `N`. 
> As a preimage we use `hmac-sha256(x, amount)` where `x` is a secret key from 
> ECDH(K, N) - (x-coordinate of `k * N`). We also put the amount into the 
> 8-byte short channel id in the routing information to ensure that the node 
> can calculate the preimage even if the user is willing to pay a tip and 
> increases the amount of the htlc.
> When our online node is asked to route a payment to an unknown node `K` it 
> tries to generate the preimage. It calculates the ECDH secret `x` 
> (x-coordinate of `n * K` where `n` is a private key corresponding to its node 
> id) and calculates the preimage from the amount encoded in the short channel 
> id and the secret x. If the preimage matches the payment hash it can claim 
> the money (also checking that htlc amount is greater or equal the amount 
> encoded in the channel id).

Reviewing BOLT #4, sadly it seems not to work...?

> 1. type: `per_hop` (for `realm` 0)
> 2. data:
>    * [`8`:`short_channel_id`]
>    * [`8`:`amt_to_forward`]
>    * [`4`:`outgoing_cltv_value`]
>    * [`12`:`padding`]

There is no way to inform your online node what `K` is, since what is in the 
`per_hop` does not include `K`.
Instead, the `short_channel_id` is intended to inform the forwarding node which 
is the next hop, using only 8 bytes; presumably the forwarding node has a table 
mapping short channel IDs to actual peers it has.
The online node in your proposal is unable to extract `K`, a the next-node-ID 
is never transmitted.

For the donation case, it seems possible, as the donator is the sender and can 
arrange to use the shared secret as the preimage.
But for the invoice-generation case, the invoice-generator is not the sender, 
and the sender might not know how to properly inform the shared secret.

Maybe later, when we use "rendezvous routing" (and provide hooks into BOLT #11 
for it), it may become possible to perform this trick (as we will use node IDs 
in rendezvous routing, rather than `short_channel_id`).
Then the online node can, if unable to rendezvous-forward to a node on its 
routemap, check if the "next node ID" in the rendezvous routing sub-route can 
be used as to compute a shared secret that is the preimage.

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