Oh darn!

My bad for posting so fast, I should have looked around more :P

Thanks for the info!

And agreed, it would be awesome to have even if just as a proof of concept.


On Wed, Oct 2, 2019 at 6:48 PM ZmnSCPxj <zmnsc...@protonmail.com> wrote:

> Good morning Nadav,
> Yes, this is possible.
> https://lists.linuxfoundation.org/pipermail/lightning-dev/2018-March/001100.html
> This is called as "High" AMP to contrast with OG and Base, and was
> discussed in Adelaide 2018.
> At Adelaide 2018 only path decorrelation and High AMP were the known
> advantages of payment point/scalar, thus the decision to wait for
> Schnorr-like signatures to hit the base layer rather than implement
> 2p-ECDSA.
> The possibility of Stuckless (which potentially allows
> Escrow-over-Lightning as well) gives additional boost to the use of payment
> points.
> Since bip-schnorr probably will have 1 year of arguing, 1 year of testing+
> developing, and 2 years of miners delaying activation before another UASF,
> I am currently tempted to consider implementing 2p-ECDSA already.
> Regards,
> ZmnSCPxj
> >
> > Like most people I am super excited for AMPs to hit the lightning
> network!
> >
> > (For the remainder of this post when I say AMP I mean OG AMP (
> https://lists.linuxfoundation.org/pipermail/lightning-dev/2018-February/000993.html)
> since that is the one I know)
> >
> > It is my understanding however that it is not possible to do AMPs with
> Proof of Payment (PoP). This is because the payment pre-images must be
> fully known to the payer since they must compute a hash of each payment
> pre-image. And if the payer must know the pre-image in advance then there
> is nothing for them to learn atomically with payment completion.
> >
> >  This makes me sad because PoP is really important for many applications
> and any application that uses PoP will not be AMP compatible.
> >
> > Queue Payment Points to the rescue! Once the lightning network moves to
> support Payment Points and PTLCs instead of Payment Hashes with their
> HTLCs, OG AMP can be modified in the following simple way in order to allow
> for PoP-enabled AMPs:
> >
> >     Let PP = pop*G be the payment point (e.g. in an invoice) where pop
> is known to the receiver.
> >     Like in the original proposal, let V be the total amount with pieces
> v_1 through v_n.
> >     Like in the original proposal, let BS = s_1 ^ ... ^ s_n (where I use
> BS = Base Secret)
> >     Like in the original proposal, let r_i = H(BS || i), but this will
> not be our pre-image.
> >     Instead, let the payment point for partial payment i be: P_i = r_i*G
> + PP
> >     This makes each payment scalar (as opposed to pre-image) r_i + pop
> >     The rest is the same as OG AMP: Use the triple (ID, v_i, s_i) in
> each payment's EOB
> >
> >     This allows the receiver to add pop to each r_i which is required to
> complete each payment.
> >
> > TLDR: Have a Payment Point, PP = pop*G, and add it to each partial
> payment point!
> >
> > Once we have Payment Points I propose that this be how AMPs work (and
> simply set PP = 0 in the case of spontaneous AMPs). This will allow AMPs to
> enjoy all of the awesome things that come with PoP!
> >
> > If it is true, as I believe it to be, that it is not possible to have
> PoP in AMPs without Payment Points, then I find this to be (yet another)
> really compelling reason to move to Payment Points as soon as we can
> (likely when bip-schnorr enters base layer I believe?).
> >
> > All feedback is welcome.
> >
> > Best,
> > Nadav
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