Note the distinction - there is almost nothing done today to prevent
spam and route-hijacks (aka someone providing routing for a lower fee
and users happily taking it) in the routing DB today. The issue of
anti-DoS is somewhat different - we do have reasonable protection from
someone OOM'ing every node on the network by opening a billion channels.
Anti-DoS could reasonably be accomplished with simple equivalent proofs,
though of course they would be somewhat more expensive to create/validate.


On 1/27/20 3:19 PM, ZmnSCPxj wrote:
> Good morning Subhra,
>> So introducing proof of knowledge of fund locked instead of revealing the 
>> amount of fund locked by counterparties will introduce added complexity 
>> while routing but how effective is this going to be against handling attacks 
>> like hijacking of routes and channel exhaustion ?
> The added complexity is spam-prevention, as mentioned, and not routing in 
> particular.
> Pathfinding algorithms can just use the lower limit of the rangeproof to 
> filter out channels too small to pass a particular payment through, 
> C-Lightning (and probably other implementations) already does this, using the 
> known channel capacity as the limit (knowledge of the exact channel capacity 
> is a rangeproof whose lower limit equals the upper limit, yes?).
> Now, since the proofs involved are likely to be larger than just a simple 
> 64-bit integer that indicates the location of the funding transaction on the 
> blockchain (24-bit blockheight, 24-bit transaction index within block, 16-bit 
> output index), the spam-prevention might end up requiring *more* data than 
> the spam it stops, so ---
> (Though if Matt has some ideas here I would be greatly interested --- we do 
> have to change the encodings of short-channel-ids at some point, if only to 
> support channel factories....)
> Regards,
> ZmnSCPxj
>> On Mon, Jan 27, 2020, 20:12 Matt Corallo <> wrote:
>>> Note that there's no real reason lightning nodes *have* to have
>>> confidence in that - if a node routes your payment to the next hop, how
>>> they do it doesn't really matter. Allowing things like non-lightning
>>> "channels" (eg just a contractual agreement to settle up later between
>>> two mutually-trusting parties) would actually be quite compelling.
>>> The reason lightning nodes *today* require proof-of-funds-locked is
>>> largely for DoS resistance, effectively rate-limiting flooding the
>>> global routing table with garbage, but such rate-limiting could be
>>> accomplished (albeit with a ton more complexity) via other means.
>>> Matt
>>> On 1/27/20 7:50 AM, Ugam Kamat wrote:
>>>> Hey Subhra – In order to have faith that the channel announced by the
>>>> nodes is actually locked on the Bitcoin mainchain we need to have the
>>>> outpoint (`txid` and `vout`) of the funding transaction. If we do not
>>>> verify that the funding transaction has been confirmed, nodes can cheat
>>>> us that a particular transaction is confirmed when it is not the case.
>>>> As a result we require that nodes announce this information along with
>>>> the public keys and the signatures of the public keys that was used to
>>>> lock the funding transaction.
>>>> This information is broadcasted in the `channel_announcement` message in
>>>> the `short_channel_id` field which includes the block number,
>>>> transaction number and vout. Since Bitcoin does not allow confidential
>>>> transactions, we can query the blockchain and find out the channel
>>>> capacity even when the amounts are never explicitly mentioned.
>>>> Ugam
>>>> *From:* Lightning-dev <>
>>>> *On Behalf Of *Subhra Mazumdar
>>>> *Sent:* Monday, January 27, 2020 12:45 PM
>>>> *To:*
>>>> *Subject:* [Lightning-dev] Not revealing the channel capacity during
>>>> opening of channel in lightning network
>>>> Dear All,
>>>>          What can be the potential problem if a channel is opened
>>>> whereby the channel capacity is not revealed publicly but just a range
>>>> proof of the attribute (capacity >0 and capacity < value) is provided ?
>>>> Will it pose a problem during routing of transaction ? What are the pros
>>>> and cons ?
>>>> I think that revealing channel capacity make the channels susceptible to
>>>> channel exhaustion attack or a particular node might be targeted for
>>>> node isolation attack ?
>>>> --
>>>> Yours sincerely,
>>>> Subhra Mazumdar.
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