Good morning Subhra,

> Thank you for the clarification. Sorry for misinterpreting the paper of 
> anonymous multihop lock. A bit of rephrasing of what I exactly meant and 
> apologies for describing vaguely. Following your discussion on griefing 
> attack, it is clear the payer and payee wants to intentionally deprive 
> intermediate nodes, by colluding. However, by griefing (a misnomer for this 
> situation) I didn't mean exactly withholding the solution but something like 
> this:
> Given S->A->B->C->D->E->F->R, S, B and F are controlled by the same adversary 
> and considering all the parties have completed the lock phase. Now R triggers 
> release phase and F gets x_r from R. However, F adds x_f to x_r forwards it 
> directly to B, doesn't complete signature with E and cancels the HTLC just 
> before the elapse of expiration time, E terminates its HTLC with D and so on. 
> B has x_c+x_d+x_e+x_f+x_r (shared by F and shared by S). It continues 
> normally completing payment with A and then S. I am not sure whether again 
> this attack makes sense.

If S controls F, then it could have just forwarded F->R directly without 
involving C D E at all, so in both cases C D E would also not earn any 
forwarding fees; instead now C D E learn of this payment, so the collusion S B 
F just unnecessarily leaks its intent to pay R by doing this.

Again, S B F cannot steal funds from C D E by this method, it can only grief 
them, but it could grief C D E by just B and F, not involving any S or R, so 
this does not increase the attack surface at all.

So I do not see the point of this exercise; S controls F anyway, so it could 
just as well have forwarded F->R directly.


> On Thu, Apr 2, 2020 at 6:04 AM ZmnSCPxj <> wrote:
> > Good morning Subhra,
> >
> > > Hi ZmnSCPxj,
> > >      Thanks for the explanation. Pardon my knowledge in this domain but 
> > > what I meant is that sender has malicious intent and wants honest parties 
> > > to suffer. So by leaking secrets, I meant not revealing its or receiver's 
> > > identity to the forwarding nodes, but somehow manipulating subset of the 
> > > nodes so that an attack can be launched in the network. For example, 
> > > consider path S->A->B->C->D->E->F->R. If we consider the protocol 
> > > anonymous multihop lock, S samples secret x_a,x_b,x_c,x_d,x_e,x_f for the 
> > > nodes A,B,C,D,E and F respectively. R gets the key 
> > > k=x_a+x_b+x_c+x_d+x_e+x_f. If S colludes with B (possibly leak the value 
> > > x_c,x_d,x_e,x_f to B), lock funds C,D,E but then not allowing it to relay 
> > > funds (possibly do a griefing attack?). What I meant is that if one 
> > > totally relies on S for the setup phase, won't it lead to other 
> > > vulnerabilities? The situation might sound unrealistic but I still have 
> > > doubt whether we guarantee fairness if put our trust entirely on one 
> > > single entity.
> >
> > Note that in the context of PTLCs, R does not get a key (as in private key) 
> > of x_a+x_b+x_c+x_d+x_e+x_f.
> > Instead, R still continues to use its normal private key for claiming 
> > We simply have R generate an adaptor signature first and hand that over to 
> > F, such that completing the signature and publishing it onchain will reveal 
> > a secret x_r (which is NOT the node privkey of R).
> >
> > What happens really here is that each hop sets up a PTLC.
> > The sender is responsible for ensuring that the F->R PTLC is equal to x_r * 
> > G, that E->F is equal to (x_f + x_r) * G, that D->E is equal to (x_e + x_f 
> > + x_r) * G, and so on.
> > However,  the sender knows only (x_r * G) without knowing x_r, thus it 
> > never is able to completely control the secret at every point -- the 
> > receiver knows the other secret as well.
> >
> > That is the entire crux of the argument --- *both* sender and receiver 
> > control the secrets anyway, so it is not controlled by a single entity, at 
> > least for non-self-payments.
> >
> > > If S colludes with B (possibly leak the value x_c,x_d,x_e,x_f to B), lock 
> > > funds C,D,E but then not allowing it to relay funds (possibly do a 
> > > griefing attack?).
> >
> > Griefing attacks are only possible by not claiming or forwarding the attack.
> > If S and B "collude" to perform a grief, then either B never forwards to C, 
> > in which case there is no possible way to attack, or C receives it and 
> > claims it but B does not claim it, in which case B paid out money and is 
> > now idiotically refusing to claim money.
> >
> > Grief attacks are attacks by payers and payees on intermediate nodes (S and 
> > R attacking A,B,C,D,E,F), and in that case the entire payment secret would 
> > be known by both S and R anyway.
> >
> > So S and B cannot cooperate to perform a griefing attack on the path.
> >
> > Regards,
> > ZmnSCPxj
> >
> > >
> > > On Wed, Apr 1, 2020 at 10:39 PM ZmnSCPxj <> wrote:
> > >
> > > > Good morning Subhra,
> > > >
> > > > > Commenting on it : "As for ZmnSCPxj's suggestion, I think there is 
> > > > > the same kind of issue.
> > > > > The secrets we establish with anonymous multi-hops locks are between 
> > > > > the *sender*
> > > > > and each of the hops. In the route blinding case, what we're adding 
> > > > > are secrets
> > > > > between the *recipient* and the hops, and we don't want the sender to 
> > > > > be able to
> > > > > influence those."
> > > > > Is it a good idea to rely entirely on the sender for sampling the 
> > > > > secrets as well as generating the PTLC? As happens in anonymous 
> > > > > multi-hops locks, for example. Or as it has been discussed later in 
> > > > > the thread, both receiver and sender must be involved in creation of 
> > > > > PTLC? What happens if sender/receiver is/(or both are) corrupted? Can 
> > > > > it leak secrets to other parties?
> > > >
> > > > If both are corrupted, this brings up the question: who are you hiding 
> > > > any information from?
> > > > The corruptor has already corrupted both: there is no security or 
> > > > privacy possible, the payment is already totally compromised.
> > > >
> > > > The operation of forwarding nodes is simple enough that in general they 
> > > > cannot be attacked: sure, the sender and receiver together knows who 
> > > > they are, but forwarding nodes are the ones who advertise themselves in 
> > > > order to be forwarded through, so they already are known anyway.
> > > >
> > > > When considering privacy, we should always consider that it is the 
> > > > payment as a whole which we want to have privacy: we want that third 
> > > > parties will not be able to nail down which particular sender sent to 
> > > > which particular receiver.
> > > > Thus if the sender already leaks who it is paying to, that is pretty 
> > > > much the entire loss of privacy.
> > > >
> > > > Now, currently on Lightning, in general the receiver does not know the 
> > > > sender node.
> > > > (Applications on top of Lightning might have the receiver require the 
> > > > sender to provide private data, such as a drop point to send a physical 
> > > > product to, but *looking only on Lightning* the sender does not send 
> > > > any of its information to the receiver).
> > > >
> > > > However, currently, the exact receiver node has to be known by the 
> > > > sender, in order for the sender to make a route to it.
> > > > This is a concern since it may be possible for layer-crossing 
> > > > shenanigans to be performed, for example the sender might attempt to 
> > > > eclipse the receiver on the Bitcoin blockchain layer and make it lose 
> > > > funds by not realizing that a PTLC/HTLC has been timed out (because the 
> > > > eclipse attack prevents new blocks from propagating to the receiver, 
> > > > who blithely continues to think that the timeout has not been reached 
> > > > when in fact it has).
> > > >
> > > > The proposal to have a receiver provide a partial, blinded path gives 
> > > > the receiver better privacy protection against the sender: the sender 
> > > > knows it is one of a possible number of nodes within some number of 
> > > > hops from a particular node, but does not know if it is that exact 
> > > > node, one of its neighbors, or one of its neighbor neighbors (etc.) is 
> > > > the actual receiver.
> > > > This should make it harder for the sender to attack the receiver by 
> > > > attempting to locate its node and eclipse it at the Bitcoin layer, or 
> > > > other blockchain-layer shenanigans.
> > > >
> > > > Now, the argument I make is that while the blinding factors in a 
> > > > decorrelated PTLC-based payment may be generated by the sender in order 
> > > > for the sender to have path privacy, it is safe for the receiver to 
> > > > provide blinding factors to a partial path as well.
> > > > We should remember that the blinding factors are just scalars added to 
> > > > the final point/scalar at the ultimate recipient, and the final 
> > > > point/scalar pair is completely controlled by the recipient anyway, so 
> > > > it should not be an issue here: the point that the sender will target 
> > > > at the first node in the receiver-provided partial route is no 
> > > > different from the final point that the sender would have targeted if 
> > > > it knew exactly who the receiver is.
> > > >
> > > > Regards,
> > > > ZmnSCPxj
> > >
> > > --
> > > Yours sincerely,
> > > Subhra Mazumdar.
> --
> Yours sincerely,
> Subhra Mazumdar.

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