      So based on what you have stated as possible scenario of griefing
attack, does delay in providing the preimage also counted as a form of
griefing in htlc? Like given the path A->B->C->D, what if C and D has a
lock time of 144 blocks and D responds after 142 block time elapses,
claiming the money locked with D?

On Wed, Apr 1, 2020, 11:49 ZmnSCPxj via Lightning-dev <
lightning-dev@lists.linuxfoundation.org> wrote:

> Introduction
> ============
> Given the fact that contracts on offchain protocols need to be enforceable
> onchain as well, timelocks involved in multi-hop payments are measured in
> blocks.
> This is because the blockchain can only (third-party-verifiably) enforce
> timeouts in units of entire blocks.
> This leads to very long timeouts for payment delivery, thus multi-hop
> offchain payment attempts can be, deliberately or accidentally, be in a
> "pending" state up to the very large timeouts involved.
> Deliberately setting up a multi-hop payment such that it will be in a
> "pending" state for long periods of time is colloquially known as a
> "griefing attack".
> In this article, we assess various proposed solutions to mitigate the
> effects of griefing attacks, and propose a particular solution,
> proof-of-closure, as well, that requires significant changes to the update
> state machine.
> Digression: Why Grief?
> ======================
> Before embarking on our investigation for solutions to the griefing
> problem, we should first wonder if griefing is, in fact, a problem.
> This brings up the question of: why would anybody grief at all?
> Humans, like cats and other less-sapient pieces of walking meat, often
> find enjoyment in causing the suffering of others for no immediate direct
> gain to themselves, as a public demonstration of dominance over those they
> make suffer (aka "shits and giggles", which, if executed correctly, can
> lead to eventual direct gains to themselves or their progeny or relatives
> or allies, but such details are often outside the ken of the very beings
> who execute such survival strategies: brains are pieces of meat that have
> been hacked to act as action-reaction engines, but are not sophisticated
> enough to execute as pure rationality engines at all times).
> Fortunately, in the Bitcoin world, only purely rational beings of pure
> selfishness can exist in the long run, thus we can neglect such motivations
> as mere noise.
> First, let us investigate *how* griefing attacks can be performed.
> * An intermediate node in a multi-hop attempt can delay forwarding or
> failing an incoming HTLC.
> * A final node in a payment attempt can delay claiming an incoming HTLC.
> Let us consider a purely rational intermediate node of pure selfishness:
> * If it forwards as soon as possible, it can earn fees, and also speed up
> the release of the HTLC-locked funds so that they can reuse those funds as
> liquidity for further payment attempts.
> * Thus, delaying an HTLC is not selfishly-rational for an intermediate
> node.
> Thus, for an intermediate node, it seems there is no selfishly-rational
> motivation to execute a griefing attack on an arbitrary payment attempt.
> We can then conclude that an intermediate that delays a payment would do
> so, not of its own rational self-interest, but as an accident, such as an
> unforeseen connectivity or power failure.
> However, things are different when we consider a non-arbitrary payment.
> Suppose a node were to make a payment attempt to itself, and deliberately
> delay claiming this self-payment.
> This lets any single node, *who happens to own large liquidity*, to lock
> up the liquidity of other nodes.
> The motivation to lock up the liquidity of other nodes is to *eliminate
> competition*.
> Suppose we have a network as below:
>     A -- B -- C
>       \     /
>        \   /
>         \ /
>          E
> When A and C want to transact with one another, they may choose to route
> via either B or E.
> B and E are therefore competitors in the business of forwarding payments.
> But suppose E has much larger channels AE and CE than the channels of AB
> and CB.
> For example, suppose E has 100mBTC perfectly-balanced channels while B has
> only 10mBTC perfectly-balanced channels, as all things should be in
> simplified models of reality.
> E can then "take out the competition" by making a 5mBTC self-payment along
> E->A->B->C->E and a 5mBTC self-payment along E->C->B->A->E, then refusing
> to claim the payment, tying up all the liquidity of the channels of B.
> By doing so, it can ensure that A and C will always fail to pay via B,
> even if they wish to transact in amounts less than 5mBTC.
> E thereby eliminates B as a competitor.
> This demonstrates that griefing attacks will be motivated, such that such
> attacks will be performed by payers and payees *against intermediate nodes*.
> Intermediate nodes have no motivation to attack payers and payees (those
> are their potential customers in the business of forwarding payments, and
> attacking potential customers is bad business: such attacking intermediate
> nodes will be removed economically in the long run).
> However, payers and payees can become motivated to attack intermediate
> nodes, if the "payer" and "payee" are actually competitor intermediate
> nodes.
> (We can observe that this is always a possibility even outside of
> Lightning: a service or product provider has no incentive to attack its
> customers ("the customer is always right"), but have an incentive to
> *pretend* to be a customer of a competitor and attack them.)
> We will keep this fact in mind: active griefing attacks are attacks *on*
> intermediate nodes, not *by* intermediate nodes, because there is no
> economic incentive for intermediate nodes to attack their customers.
> Previous Proposed Solutions
> ===========================
> Time-Spent Reporting
> --------------------
> At each channel along the route, the time spent by a node to handle its
> forwarding is recorded, and reported upstream in the route.
> Unfortunately, this solution protects payers from intermediate nodes and
> payees: it does not protect intermediate nodes from colluding payers and
> payees.
> Even if an intermediate node knows that a particular node is consistently
> slow via a previous time-spent report, it will not be able, with our
> current onion routing, determine if an onion packet it just received will
> or will not go through the known-slow node.
> Thus, an intermediate node would not be able to defend against distant
> payees that, with a colluding payer, will not claim a particular payment.
> As we have established, an active griefing atttack will never be
> deliberately performed by a selfishly-rational intermediate node.
> Thus, this solution protects against the wrong thing: it protects payers
> against slow/unreliable intermediate nodes, it does not protect
> intermediate nodes against malicious payer/payee collusions.
> It protects only against intermediate nodes that inadvertently go offline
> during forwarding, but such nodes will inevitably lose out on the
> forwarding market anyway, and will disappear in the long run.
> Up-Front Payment
> ----------------
> Payers pay for an attempt, not just the successful completion of an
> attempt.
> A variation on this is that the payer (or payee) continuously pays as long
> as the payment is pending.
> Further variations include paying by other means, such as just locking
> funds or paying with proof-of-work.
> While it certainly erects economic barriers against payer/payee collusions
> attacking intermediate nodes, it *also* erects economic barriers against
> normal, non-malicious payments.
> We can consider that economic barriers against non-malicious, low-value,
> high-frequency payments ("micropayments") may be enough that such payments
> become infeasible if we impose up-front payment for mere attempts.
> Thus, while this solution is certainly something we can consider, we must
> be reluctant to use it due to its up-front, strict-evaluation behavior.
> Proof-Of-Closure
> ================
> Observing the above, we want the properties for a "good" solution to
> griefing attacks to be:
> * It should protect intermediate nodes against payer/payee collusions.
> * It should only come into play upon detection of an attack.
> We now present proof-of-closure, which (we hope) has the above properties.
> We can consider instead a softer timeout, distinct from the HTLC
> block-based timeout.
> This softer timeout is measurable in fractions of a second, e.g. units of
> 0.1 seconds.
> Each node on the network advertises, in addition to a block-based
> `cltv_delta`, a `timeout_delta` in units of 0.1 seconds.
> Further, each invoice contains, in addition to a block-based `final_cltv`,
> a `final_timeout` in units of 0.1 seconds.
> Thus, there are two timeouts:
> * The current "hard" block-based timeout that is enforceable onchain.
> * A new "soft" sidereal-time-based timeout that is not onchain enforceable.
> The soft timeout, as mentioned, is not enforceable onchain.
> Instead, enforcement of the soft timeout *is* the act of putting the
> channel state onchain.
> Now, for the current "hard" block-based timeout, we already have a
> reaction.
> If the HTLC "hard" timeout is approaching:
> * Drop the channel onchain and enforce the hard timeout onchain to reclaim
> the funds in the HTLCs.
> * Wait for the onchain action to be deeply resolved (either timelock or
> hashlock branch is confirmed deeply) and report the result (success or
> fail) upstream.
> What happens if the "soft" timeout is violated?
> * Drop the channel onchain.
> * Report the channel closure upstream.
> The "hard" timeout is cancelled in any of these two conditions:
> * A success is reported via `update_fulfill_htlc`, OR,
> * A failure is reported via `update_fail_htlc` AND the HTLC is irrevocably
> removed from the latest commitments/state(s) of the channel.
> The "soft" timeout is cancelled in any of these three conditions, the
> first two of which are the same as above:
> * A success is reported via `update_fulfill_htlc`, OR,
> * A failure is reported via `update_fail_htlc` AND the HTLC is irrevocably
> removed from the latest commitments/state(s) of the channel, OR
> * A channel closure is reported.
> Let us fill this in more detail.
> Suppose we have a payment route A->B->C->E.
> Both the "hard" block timeouts and the "soft" second timeouts decrement
> monotonically at each hop.
> Thus, the payee E has the shortest "hard" and "soft" timeouts (as normal).
> * Suppose E then delays claiming the payment and violates the "soft"
> timeout.
> * C then drops the CE channel onchain.
> * C reports, before its own timeout (slightly larger than the timeout
> imposed on E), the closing of the channel CE, to B.
> * B validates this report, and if valid, propagates the report to A.
> * A validates this report, and if valid, accepts that the payment will be
> "stuck" for up to the hard timeout it imposed on B.
> C has to report back to B in order to prevent B from closing the BC
> channel, and B has to report back to A in order to prevent A from closing
> the AB channel.
> The decrementing seconds-unit timeouts are needed for each hop, for the
> same reason that decrementing block-unit timeouts are needed.
> Since E is motivated to attack intermediate nodes because it wants to
> redirect payment forwards through itself rather than its competitotrs,
> having one of its channels closed (which prevents it from being used for
> forwarding) is directly opposed to its end goal of getting more money,
> thus, we can believe the action of closing a channel involved in a griefing
> attack is sufficient disincentive.
> The major drawback is that enforcement of the soft timeout *is* a channel
> closure, which is generally a negative for the network.
> This is not a remote attack vector, since a node can only trigger this
> closure if it is able to stall the fulfillment or failure of an HTLC on a
> channel, which generally means the node triggering this closure can only do
> so for its own channels (or it is able to, via a separate mechanism,
> remotely crash a different node).
> Proving Channel Closes
> ----------------------
> What C *really* needs to prove is that:
> * It is *willing* to close a channel due to a violation of the soft
> timeout.
> * The channel it is willing to close was, in fact, involved in the same
> payment attempt.
> With the above, B can believe that C was innocent of wrongdoing, because:
> * C would only be wiling to close a channel in case of a protocol
> violation, in this case, a violation of the soft timeout.
> * The channel it closed was closed because of this payment attempt, and
> not because of another payment attempt, or some other unrelated channel
> being unilaterally closed.
> First, what C needs to prove is *NOT*, in fact, actual channel closure: it
> needs to prove a *willingness* to close a channel.
> Thus, it does not require the channel to actually be *closed* yet, i.e. it
> does not have to wait for onchain activity that the channel closure is in a
> mempool and is confirmed deeply onchain etc etc.
> Thus, to prove a *willingness to close* rather than an actual close, C can
> provide the unilateral close of the channel CE.
> The act of unilaterally closing a channel is the publication of the
> transaction(s) making up the unilateral close.
> Thus, if C is *willing* to close the channel, it is willing to publish the
> transaction(s) involved, and thus, providing the unilateral close to B and
> further upstream, shows a willingness to close the channel.
> B then validates the provided proof-of-closure by checking that the
> unilateral close transaction is either onchain, in the mempool, or that it
> spends a TXO that is not currently spent by another transaction.
> In the case the unilateral close transaction is not confirmed and in the
> mempool, B can speed up its propagation on the Bitcoin layer by putting it
> in its own mempool as well --- after all, C is willing to close the channel
> to exonerate itself and punish the actual culprit, and B putting the
> unilateral close in its own mempool can only help C in what it is willing
> to do.
> Secondly, C needs to prove that the channel it is willing to close
> involves the payment attempt, and is not some other channel closure that it
> is attempting to use to fulfill its own soft timeout.
> Since the unilateral close transaction *is* the proof-of-closure, B (and
> A) can inspect the transaction outputs and see (with some additional data
> from C) that one of the outputs is to an HTLC that matches the payment hash.
> Thus, B (and A) can believe that the proof-of-closure proves that whoever
> is presenting it is free of wrongdoing, as whoever is actually causing the
> delay has been punished (by someone being willing to close a channel with
> the culprit), and that the proof-of-closure commits to this particular
> payment attempt and no other (because it commits to a particular payment
> hash).
> Further, if CE is closed by E dropping it onchain rather than C, C will
> still be able to fulfill its own soft timeout by taking the closing
> transaction from E, which should still contain the HTLC.
> Indeed, neither A nor B will particularly care (nor need to know) who
> dropped the channel onchain, or (for A) that the channel participants are C
> and E.
> Update State Shenanigans
> ------------------------
> Bitcoin update mechanisms are complicated things, and it may be possible
> for an attacking payee E to fool around with the update state machine to
> make it difficult for C to report a willingness to close CE.
> In particular, I quote here the relevant passages from `lightning-rfc`,
> `02-peer-protocol.md`, which is an implementation of the Poon-Dryja update
> mechanism:
> > Thus each update traverses through the following states:
> >
> > 1. pending on the receiver
> > 2. in the receiver's latest commitment transaction
> > 3. ... and the receiver's previous commitment transaction has been
> revoked,
> >    and the update is pending on the sender
> > 4. ... and in the sender's latest commitment transaction
> > 5. ... and the sender's previous commitment transaction has been revoked
> The payee E is the "receiver" in this context.
> In this case, once the update has reached step 2, then E has a commitment
> transaction that it can put onchain, that contains an HTLC it can claim.
> From this step onward, C cannot send a failure (i.e. it cannot send back
> an `update_fail_htlc`) back to B, because E could drop its latest
> commitment onchain and claim the HTLC onchain.
> However, until step 4, C does not have a unilateral close containing the
> HTLC, and thus cannot provide a proof-of-closure that contains an HTLC that
> refers to the payment.
> Thus, between steps 2 to 4, C cannot safely respond to its own soft
> timeout.
> C cannot respond with a failure, as E could then drop its latest
> commitment transaction onchain and claim the payment from C, and extract
> money from C that way.
> C also cannot respond with a proof-of-closure, as it does not have a
> transaction that it can use to provide this proof.
> The best that C can do would be to impose an even shorter timeout between
> steps 2 and 4 above, and to drop its current commitment transaction (which
> does not contain the HTLC yet and thus does not constitute a valid
> proof-of-closure) onchain.
> In between the time it drops the commitment transaction and its own
> incoming soft timeout, there is a chance, however small, that this
> transaction will be confirmed, and the channel will (with high probability)
> settle in a state where the HTLC is not instantiated, thus C can safely
> fail its incoming HTLC (not show a proof-of-closure, since that is not
> possible for C to do) without risk of loss, just prior to its own soft
> timeout.
> Of course, C is still at risk here: E could collude with miners via a
> side-channel fee offer to confirm its commitment transaction with the HTLC
> present, and ensure that C is liable for the HTLC value.
> With Decker-Russell-Osuntokun, we can remove this risk by requiring a
> ritual as follows:
> 1.  C requests exclusive access to update their single shared state.
>   * This can be done via a variety of sub-protocols, including a fair coin
> toss in case of near-simultaneous requests for exclusive locks on both
> sides.
> 2.  C provides the details of the new HTLC to E.
> 3.  C and E generate the new state transaction and exchange signatures for
> it.
> 4.  C and E generate (without signing) the new update transaction.
> 5.  E provides the signature (or share of signature, if MuSig) for the new
> update transaction to C.
> 6.  C provides the signature for the new update transaction to E, which
> releases the exclusive lock on the shared state atomically with the
> finalization of the new update transaction.
> Prior to step 5, C can simply fail the incoming HTLC from B in case its
> own soft timeout is near.
> Even if E performs step 5 after C has already failed the incoming HTLC
> from B, C can simply not perform step 6 and drop the channel onchain with
> the previous update and state transactions.
> With Poon-Dryja, we will have to rearrange the order in which we perform
> things, effectively adding an extra communications turnaround between the
> participants.
> Specifically, the order would have to be revised to:
> > 1. pending on the sender
> > 2. in the sender's latest commitment transaction
> > 3. ... and the sender's previous commitment transaction has been revoked,
> >    and the update is pending on the receiver
> > 4. ... and in the receiver's latest commitment transaction
> > 5. ... and the receiver's previous commitment transaction has been
> revoked
> This allows the sender (C in our context) to provide a proof-of-closure
> after step 2, and before step 2, C can safely return a failure with
> `update_fail_htlc` (and refuse to proceed beyond step 2, thus ensuring it
> can still use the previous commitment that still has no HTLC).
> Of course, this change will require redesigning the update state machine,
> increasing the number of communication turnarounds, and creating a subtle
> incompatbility when transitioning a payment from a hop that knows only the
> old update state machine to a hop that knows the new update state machine.
> Purely Falsified Proof-Of-Closure
> ---------------------------------
> Of course, the attacking node E might want to create a false
> proof-of-closure.
> E can do this by simulating a Lightning channel: lock an amount of funds
> in a 2-of-2 (where E controls both keys), then spend it in a set of
> transactions mimicking the unilateral close.
> We observe, however, that the overhead of simulating a Lightning channel
> is the same as the overhead of actually creating and closing a Lightning
> channel.
> Since the punishment of proof-of-closure is to force attackers to have
> their channels closed, we can consider that this simulation of a channel
> open and close is sufficient as well.
> Future-Proofing
> ---------------
> This sketch of proof-of-closure can be used for any update mechanism:
> * With Poon-Dryja, C can use its own commitment transaction as the
> proof-of-closure.
> * With Decker-Wattenhofer, C can give all the offchain transactions up to
> the last stage in the multi-stage decrementing-`nSequence` mechanism.
> * With Deckker-Russell-Osuntokun, C can give the latest update and state
> trnsaction.
> Basically, we expect that for now, and in the future, any update mechanism
> worth consideration will have a concept of "unilateral close" where a
> channel can be dropped onchain, using data that only one of the channel
> participants holds.
> Such a unilateral close will be a sequence of one or more valid
> transactions, terminating in a transaction containing an HTLC-like contract
> in one of its outputs.
> Thus, to validate the unilateral close, it is only required to validate
> all the transactions contained in the proof-of-closure, and see that the
> last transaction has an HTLC output.
> The limitations are thus:
> * The acceptable forms of HTLC would need to be agreed-upon by the entire
> network.
> * Implementations would need to be able to assess, in a
> Bitcoin-consensus-compatible way, whether a transaction is valid or not.
> Payment Decorrelation and Payment Points
> ----------------------------------------
> Of course, having a single payment hash for the entire payment attempt is
> a privacy loss, which we intend to fix in the near future by using payment
> points, and adding a blinding scalar at each hop, aka. payment
> decorrelation.
> Thus, in the future, there will not be any HTLC, but instead a PTLC.
> Further, the payment point at each hop will be changed at each hop, in
> order to prevent decorrelation.
> Thus, C needs to provide proofs:
> * That an apparent singlesig on the unilateral close output is in fact a
>   C needs to provide:
>   * A target point P.
>   * A partial signature that would spend that singlesig for a particular
> sighash.
>   * An adaptor signature which, with knowledge of the completed signature,
> adaptor signature, and sighash message, would have revealed the scalar
> behind P.
> * That the PTLC belongs to the same payment attempt as what B offered to C.
>   C needs to provide:
>   * The C-only blinding factor that is the difference between the payment
> point of the B-to-C PTLC and the C-to-E PTLC on the unilateral close.
> Then, when B needs to propagate the proof-of-closure back to A, B simply
> adds its own blinding factor to the reported blinding factor, in order to
> convince A that this is the same payment attempt.
> As we have brought up privacy, we observe that, when this mechanism
> triggers, there is a mild privacy loss, in that intermediate nodes now know
> some channel closure that is related to this payment, and can thus
> determine the exact path that the payment attempt went through, at least
> until the channel being closed.
> However, proof-of-closure is only propagated in case of violation of the
> soft timeout, so for normal non-malicious payments, proof-of-closure does
> not cause any privacy loss.
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