Good morning Stefan,

> > A reason why I suggest this is that the cost function in actual 
> > implementation is *already* IMO overloaded.
> >
> > In particular, actual implementations will have some kind of conversion 
> > between cltv-delta and fees-at-node.
> That's an interesting aspect. Would this lead to a constant per edge if 
> incorporated in the cost function? If so, this would lead to another 
> generally hard problem, which, again, needs to be explored more in the 
> concrete cases we have here to see if we can still solve/approximate it. 

No, because each edge defines its own cltv-delta.

> > However, I think that in practice, most users cannot intuitively understand 
> > `riskfactor`.
> I don't think they have to. Only people like you who write actual software 
> probably need to. 

***I*** do not intuitively understand it either. (^^;)
I understand it with system 2 (expected return on investment if you were 
investing the money instead of having it locked due to node failure along a 
path) but my system 1 just goes "hmmm whut" and I just use the default, which I 
*hope* cdecker chose rationally.

> > Similarly, I think it is easier for users to think in terms of "fee budget" 
> > instead.
> >
> > Of course, algorithms should try to keep costs as low as possible, if there 
> > are two alternate payment plans that are both below the fee budget, the one 
> > with lower actual fee is still preferred.
> > But perhaps we should focus more on payment success *within some fee and 
> > timelock budget*.
> >
> > Indeed, as you point out, your real-world experiments you have done have 
> > involved only probability as cost.
> > However, by the paper you claim to have sent 40,000,000,000msat for a cost 
> > of 814,000msat, or 0.002035% fee percentage, far below the 0.5% default 
> > `maxfeepercent` we have, which I think is fairly reasonable argument for 
> > "let us ignore fees and timelocks unless it hits the budget".
> > (on the other hand, those numbers come from a section labelled 
> > "Simulation", so that may not reflect the real world experiments you had 
> > --- what numbers did you get for those?)
> René is going to publish those results very soon. 
> Regarding payment success *within some fee and timelock budget*: the 
> situation is a little more complex than it appears. As you have pointed out, 
> at the moment, most of the routes are very cheap (too cheap, IMHO), so you 
> have to be very unlucky to hit an expensive flow. So in the current 
> environment, your approach seems to work pretty well, which is also why we 
> first thought about it. 
> Unfortunately, as you know, we have to think adversarially in this domain. 
> And it is clear that if we simply disregarded fees in routing, people would 
> try to take advantage of this. If we just set a fee budget, and try again if 
> it is missed, then I see some problems arise: First, what edges do you 
> exclude in the next try? Where is that boundary? Second, I am pretty sure an 
> adversary could design a DOS vector in this way by forcing people to go 
> through exponentially many min-cost flow rounds (which are not cheap anyway) 
> excluding only few edges per round. 
> Indeed, if you read the paper closely you will have seen that this kind of 
> problem (optimizing for some cost while staying under a budget for a second 
> cost) is (weakly) np-hard even for the single path case. So there is some 
> intuition that this is not as simple as you might imagine it. I personally 
> think that the Lagrangian style of combining the costs in a linear fashion is 
> very promising, but you might be successful with more direct methods as well. 
> > Is my suggestion not reasonable in practice?
> > Is the algorithm runtime too high?
> See above. I don't know, but I believe it would be hard to make safe against 
> adversaries. Including the fees in the cost function appears to be the more 
> holistic approach to me, since min-cost flow algorithms always give you a 
> globally optimized answer.  

Hah, yes, adversarial.

I may have a route towards a unified cost function, will clean up a write up 
and post in a little while on a new thread.

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