Good morning Matt and all,

> Please be careful accepting the faulty premise that the proposed algorithm is 
> “optimal”. It is optimal under a specific heuristic used to approximate what 
> the user wants. In reality, there are a ton of different things to balance, 
> from CLTV to feed to estimated failure probability calculated from node 
> online percentages at-open liquidity, and even fees.

It may be possible to translate all these "things to balance" to a single unit, 
the millisatoshi.

* CLTV-delta
  - The total CLTV-delta time is the worst-case amount of time that your 
outgoing payment will be stalled.
  - We can compute the expected nominal rate of return if the funds were 
instead put in a random Bitcoin-denominated investment, getting back a 
conversion ratio from time units to percentage of your funds.
    This is what C-Lightning already does via the `riskfactor` parameter.
* Node failure probablity
  - Can be multiplied with channel failure probability (the one based on the 
channel capacity).
  - As I pointed out elsewhere, we can ask the user "up to how much are you 
willing to pay in fees?", and that amount is the cost of failure (because 
economics; see my other mail); the failure probability times the cost of 
failure is the effective cost of this path.
* Fees
  - Are already denominated in millisatoshi.

One unit to rule them all....

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