Good morning again x-raid,

Are you proposing as well to provide the hardware and Internet connection for 
these boxes?

I know of one person at least who runs a node that tracks the C-Lightning 
master (I think they do a nightly build?), and I run a node that I update every 
release of C-Lightning (and runs CLBOSS as well).
I do not know the actual implementations of what they connect to, but LND is 
very popular on the network and LNBIG is known to be an LND shop, and LNBIG is 
so pervasive that nearly every long-lived forwarding node has at least one 
channel with *some* LNBIG node.
I consider this "good enough" in practice to catch interop bugs, but some 
interop bugs are deeper than just direct node-to-node communications.
For example, we had bugs in our interop with LND `keysend` before, by my memory.

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