Hi Tony, Andy,

Matt already answered most of your questions in the previous emails.
Here are additional answers to make sure this is clear enough.

> The interchanging between "bob" and "domain owner" is a bit confusing
> in your gist.

I'm not sure what interchanging you're referring to. Alice is the payer,
Bob is the payment recipient and is using a `domain.com` address. None
of them are the domain owner in any of the examples (even though Bob
could decide to take that role).

> Are you saying with that option, all it takes is a single DNS entry
> for "serviceprovider.com" to service unlimited users?

Yes, option 1 uses a single DNS record that ties a domain to a specific
lightning node. The payer then queries that lightning node to obtain an
offer from their intended recipient.

> I agree that option 3 and 1 should be used. However, you say "clients
> (mobile wallets) would first make a DNS request corresponding to
> option 3, and if that fails, they would fallback to option 1. Domain
> owners would implement only one of those two options, depending on
> their DNS capabilities." . However, it seems to me like if we query
> for a specific user at the domain and it exists, use Option 3, but if
> it doesn't, then fall back to Option 1. So, they can actually
> implement both, depending on the user.

Right, I meant that domain owners may choose to only implement option 1,
but if they have the capabilities to implement option 3, they can (and
probably should) also support option 1.

> I would omit suggesting to use DoH from the spec.
> [...]
> How you query DNS seems like that should be left up to the client and
> not really part of the spec.

That will likely just be a suggestion, not a requirement on the spec.
Note that this isn't a spec at all yet, just a design document.

> Is there a minimum path/offer expiry? Wondering if those might be way
> lower than the DNS record expiry? Seems like we want the expiry of the
> DNS record to be less than the path expiry because there will be some
> latency in propagating a record with a new blinded path or offer
> through an organization's redundant nameservers. Also, when you create
> the offer with an expiry and add it to the DNS record, that expiry is
> part of the offer data itself and relative to when it was *created*,
> but your local computer will have an expiry that starts at the time
> you *fetched* that DNS record.

Offers can be very long-lived (months/years), especially the ones that
should be used in those scenarios. I don't think this would be an issue
at all here.

> Will we hit any DNS record length limits with the blinded path or
> offer that need to be considered?

That is a good question, and we should strive to use offers that are
as small as possible. In practice those will contain a 1-hop blinded
path, so they will be small enough.

> I think you should also add an option for a type that allows different
> users to have different blinded paths.

That can be achieved by using subdomains and sharding your users across
subdomains. This should indeed be mentioned in the future spec.

> I think should be revised to not use "LSP". We don't necessarily know
> if it is an LSP or a self hosted domain and node. It could be an LSP,
> but maybe not.

Right, I tried to use "domain owner" in most places, but it's a bit
messy. I'll make the terminology clearer in the spec.

> Seems to be a bad idea to me. You are relying on certificate
> authorities to prove the ownership of a domain? The certificate
> authorities are not an authority on domain ownership. Also, it seems
> to me like certificate authorities are a major weak link because if
> *any* certificate authority in your local trust database becomes
> faulty, *all* certificates can no longer be trusted.

Agreed, as I mentioned in the post, I included this option to show how
we could achieve this using only lightning, but I don't think this
should be the chosen approach.

> "The statement "Note that Alice cannot verify that the offer she
> receives is really from Bob" can apply to this option too, right?

Yes, this has the same trust-on-first-use issue.

> The LNURL way still relies on DNS so I'm confused why you'd want to
> add a webserver into the mix if you don't have to.

I 100% agree with that (but not sure what you are responding to here).

Thanks for your feedback!

Le lun. 20 nov. 2023 à 09:34, Matt Corallo <lf-li...@mattcorallo.com> a
écrit :

> On 11/17/23 8:28 AM, Andy Schroder wrote:
> > #Comments
> >
> >
> > ## General
> >
> > - I agree that option 3 and 1 should be used. However, you say "clients
> (mobile wallets) would first
> > make a DNS request corresponding to option 3, and if that fails, they
> would fallback to option 1.
> > Domain owners would implement only one of those two options, depending
> on their DNS capabilities." .
> > However, it seems to me like if we query for a specific user at the
> domain and it exists, use Option
> > 3, but if it doesn't, then fall back to Option 1. So, they can actually
> implement both, depending on
> > the user.
> Yea, option 1 could reasonably take precedence, however the tradeoff in
> that case would be revealing
> *who* you're paying, not just which service you're paying through, to any
> (honest but curious) DoH
> resolver.
> > - I would omit suggesting to use DoH from the spec. DoH seems a bit
> centralized to me and that's up
> > to the client to decide what to do. DNS itself is a hierarchically
> distributed system, so there is
> > redundancy built into it (which has its flaw at the root nameserver /
> ICANN level) and it seems to
> > me like DoH is taking much of that distributed design away. It seems
> like if you are concerned about
> > your ISP snooping your traffic, you should use a tunnel so that your
> traffic is obfuscated that way,
> > that way things are done at the IP level and not way up at the HTTPS
> level. Are you resorting to DoH
> > because many ISP block traffic for DNSSEC records traffic through their
> networks? Either way, how
> > you query DNS seems like that should be left up to the client and not
> really part of the spec.
> It is, but its worth mentioning in large part because almost certainly
> ~all implementations will use
> it. While I agree that it'd be very nice to not use it, in order to do so
> clients would need to (a)
> actually be able to query TXT records, which isn't in standard operating
> system libraries, so would
> probably mean DoH to or so, (b) trust the resolver's DNSSEC
> validation, which means
> having some confidence its local, and not a coffee shop/etc.
> Given the level of trust you have to have here in the DNS resolution, its
> almost certainly best to
> cross-validate with at least multiple DoH services, unless you are
> validating the DNSSEC chain
> yourself (which I'd really strongly prefer as the best solution here, but
> I'm unaware of any open
> source code to do so).
> > - Is there a minimum path/offer expiry? Wondering if those might be way
> lower than the DNS record
> > expiry? Seems like we want the expiry of the DNS record to be less than
> the path expiry because
> > there will be some latency in propagating a record with a new blinded
> path or offer through an
> > organization's redundant nameservers. Also, when you create the offer
> with an expiry and add it to
> > the DNS record, that expiry is part of the offer data itself and
> relative to when it was *created*,
> > but your local computer will have an expiry that starts at the time you
> *fetched* that DNS record.
> While offers can expire arbitrarily, I anticipate users of this system
> will fetch long-lived offers,
> eg ones that expire in a year or two.
> > - Will we hit any DNS record length limits with the blinded path or
> offer that need to be considered?
> We certainly shouldn't. You can put a full PGP key in the DNS:
> $ dig 4f31fa50e5bd5ff45684e560fc24aeee527a43739ab611c49c51098a._
> openpgpkey.mattcorallo.com type61
> >
> > ## Option 1
> >
> > I think you should also add an option for a type that allows different
> users to have different
> > blinded paths. From a scalability perspective, one may not want to serve
> all users on the same node.
> > Also, the user may use their own lightning node instead of the domain
> operators.
> >
> > | hostname               | record type | value               | TTL
>    |
> >
> |------------------------|-------------|---------------------|-------------|
> > | bob._lnaddress.domain.com. | TXT         | path:<blinded_path> | path
> expiry |
> >
> >
> > The statement
> >
> > "Note that Alice cannot verify that the offer she receives is really
> from Bob: she has to TOFU
> > (trust on first use). But that's something we fundamentally cannot fix
> if the only information Alice
> > has is `b...@domain.com`. However, Alice obtains a signed statement from
> Bob's LSP that attests that
> > `b...@domain.com` is associated with the Bolt12 offer she receives. If
> she later discovers that this
> > was invalid, she can publish that proof to show the world that Bob's LSP
> is malicious"
> >
> > - I think should be revised to not use "LSP". We don't necessarily know
> if it is an LSP or a self
> > hosted domain and node. It could be an LSP, but maybe not.
> >
> > - I think we should say that we cannot verify the offer *if* Bob does
> not self host and uses an LSP.
> > If Bob self hosts, we know it's from Bob if DNSSEC validates and the
> root nameservers and the tld
> > nameservers are honest.
> >
> > - I think there should be a QR code format that accompanies this so that
> phone apps can easily
> > validate the path (or for option 3 below the offer).
> >
> >
> > ## Option 2
> >
> >
> > - Seems to be a bad idea to me. You are relying on certificate
> authorities to prove the ownership of
> > a domain? The certificate authorities are not an authority on domain
> ownership. Also, it seems to me
> > like certificate authorities are a major weak link because if *any*
> certificate authority in your
> > local trust database becomes faulty, *all* certificates can no longer be
> trusted.
> >
> > - This approach seems *very* unscalable because it requires the
> announcements for all domains to be
> > gossiped to everyone? I think that there needs to be a decentralized DNS
> that is created, but this
> > seems to be headed in the wrong direction. We should be able to learn
> from some of the hierarchical
> > features of legacy DNS and build a truly decentralized "root", which
> will be more efficient.
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > ## Option 3
> >
> > - "The statement "Note that Alice cannot verify that the offer she
> receives is really from Bob" can
> > apply to this option too, right?
> >
> >
> > Andy Schroder
> >
> > On 11/16/23 08:51, Bastien TEINTURIER wrote:
> >> Good morning list,
> >>
> >> Most of you already know and love lightning addresses [1].
> >> I wanted to revisit that protocol, to see how we could improve it and
> >> fix its privacy drawbacks, while preserving the nice UX improvements
> >> that it brings.
> >>
> >> I have prepared a gist with three different designs that achieve those
> >> goals [2]. I'm attaching the contents of that gist below. I'd like to
> >> turn it into a bLIP once I collect enough feedback from the community.
> >>
> >> I don't think we should select and implement all three options. They
> >> show that we have a large enough design space, but I think we should
> >> aim for simplicity of implementation and deployment. My personal choice
> >> would be to do options 1 and 3: clients (mobile wallets) would first
> >> make a DNS request corresponding to option 3, and if that fails, they
> >> would fallback to option 1. Domain owners would implement only one of
> >> those two options, depending on their DNS capabilities.
> >>
> >> Curious to hear your thoughts!
> >>
> >> Many thanks to Rusty and Matt who reviewed early drafts of that gist.
> >>
> >> [1] https://lightningaddress.com/
> >> [2] https://gist.github.com/t-bast/78fd797a7da570d293a8663908d3339b
> >>
> >> # Lightning Address
> >>
> >> [Lightning Address](https://lightningaddress.com/) is a very popular
> protocol that brings UX improvements that users love.
> >> We'd like to provide those UX benefits without its privacy and security
> drawbacks.
> >>
> >> ## Issues with the current lightning address protocol
> >>
> >> As described [here](
> https://github.com/andrerfneves/lightning-address/blob/master/README.md),
> the lightning address protocol requires payment senders to make an HTTP
> request to the recipient's domain owner.
> >> This has some inconvenient side effects:
> >>
> >> 1. The payment sender reveals their IP address to the recipient's
> domain owner, who knows both the sender and the recipient.
> >> 2. The domain owner can swap invoices to steal some of the payment.
> >> 3. It introduces a dependency on DNS servers and the need for an HTTP
> stack on the sender side.
> >>
> >> We can do better and fix or mitigate some of these issues, without
> compromising on UX.
> >> We need two somewhat distinct mechanisms:
> >>
> >> 1. A way to privately obtain the `node_id` associated with a given
> domain.
> >> 2. A way to privately contact that domain to obtain the recipient's
> payment details.
> >>
> >> ## User story
> >>
> >> Alice wants to pay `b...@domain.com` without any other prior
> information.
> >> She doesn't want to reveal:
> >>
> >> * her identity to Bob (payment sender privacy)
> >> * her identity to the manager of `domain.com  <http://domain.com>`
> (payment sender privacy)
> >> * the fact that she wants to pay `b...@domain.com` to her LSP (payment
> recipient privacy)
> >>
> >> ## Option 1: use DNS records to link domains to nodes
> >>
> >> A first proposal would be to use a DNS record to obtain the `node_id`
> associated with a given domain.
> >>
> >> ### Obtain a blinded path to the node associated with a domain
> >>
> >> Domain owners add a DNS `TXT` record for their domain containing a
> blinded path to their node.
> >> They may include an empty path if they wish to directly reveal their
> `node_id`.
> >>
> >> | hostname               | record type | value               | TTL
>    |
> >>
> |------------------------|-------------|---------------------|-------------|
> >> | _lnaddress.domain.com  <http://lnaddress.domain.com>. | TXT
>  | path:<blinded_path> | path expiry |
> >>
> >> Alice can then make a DNS query to obtain that blinded path.
> >>
> >> ```text
> >>      Alice
> DNS server
> >>        |
>      |
> >>        | dig TXT _lnaddress.domain.com  <http://lnaddress.domain.com>
>                                       |
> >>
> |-------------------------------------------------------------------->|
> >>        |              _lnaddress.domain.com  <
> http://lnaddress.domain.com>. IN TXT "path:c3056fb73aa623..." |
> >>
> |<--------------------------------------------------------------------|
> >> ```
> >>
> >> :question: What encoding should we use for the blinded path option?
> Bech32m with the `lnp` prefix?
> >>
> >> :warning: Alice should query that DNS record using [DoH](
> https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc8484) for privacy.
> >> She should also query multiple DoH servers to protect from malicious
> ones.
> >>
> >> :warning: Alice should check the AD flag is correctly set (DNSSEC).
> >>
> >> ### Obtain a Bolt 12 offer from the recipient
> >>
> >> Now that Alice has a way to reach the node that owns Bob's domain, she
> needs to contact them to obtain a Bolt 12 offer from Bob.
> >> We use an `onion_message` for that, which has the following benefits:
> >>
> >> * Alice doesn't reveal her identity (IP address or `node_id`) to Bob or
> Bob's domain
> >> * Alice doesn't reveal Bob's identity (IP address or `node_id`) to her
> >> * Alice doesn't even need to know the IP address for Bob's domain's
> lightning node
> >>
> >> ```text
> >>      Alice                          Alice's LSP
>   Bob's LSP                            Bob
> >>        |                                 |
>      |                                 |
> >>        |          onion_message          |
>      |                                 |
> >>        |-------------------------------->|          onion_message
>       |                                 |
> >>        |                                 |  get_offer_from =
> b...@domain.com   |                                 |
> >>        |
>  |---------------------------------->|                                 |
> >>        |                                 |
>      |             wake_up             |
> >>        |                                 |
>      |-------------------------------->|
> >>        |                                 |
>      |              offer              |
> >>        |                                 |
>      |<--------------------------------|
> >>        |                                 |          onion_message
>       |                                 |
> >>        |
>  |<----------------------------------|                                 |
> >>        |          onion_message          |
>      |                                 |
> >>        |       bob's bolt12 offer        |
>      |                                 |
> >>        |       bob's LSP signature       |
>      |                                 |
> >>        |<--------------------------------|
>      |                                 |
> >> ```
> >>
> >> Note that Alice cannot verify that the offer she receives is really
> from Bob: she has to TOFU (trust on first use).
> >> But that's something we fundamentally cannot fix if the only
> information Alice has is `b...@domain.com`.
> >> However, Alice obtains a signed statement from Bob's LSP that attests
> that `b...@domain.com` is associated with the Bolt12 offer she receives.
> >> If she later discovers that this was invalid, she can publish that
> proof to show the world that Bob's LSP is malicious.
> >>
> >> Otherwise, since there needs to be some out-of-band communication where
> the recipient advertizes their lightning address (e.g. on social media),
> some kind of verification code could be attached (hash of the `node_id`?).
> >> The sender's wallet could optionally add a manual verification step of
> that verification code.
> >> This would only need to be done once, since Alice can then reuse the
> same offer to fetch new invoices.
> >>
> >> ### Advantages and drawbacks
> >>
> >> The main advantage of this proposal is that it is simple, inexpensive
> and relies on standard mechanisms.
> >> Its drawback is that domain owners need to be able to publish DNS `TXT`
> records, but that is widely supported.
> >>
> >> ## Option 2: use `node_announcement` to link nodes to specific domains
> >>
> >> This proposal is only based on the lightning network, without any
> dependency on DNS or HTTP stacks (apart from certificate validation).
> >>
> >> ### Obtain the `node_id` associated with a domain
> >>
> >> We add fields to `node_announcement` to let nodes advertize which
> domains they own.
> >> Those fields would typically contain a signature of the `node_id` using
> the private key for the corresponding domain TLS certificate, along with
> its certificate chain.
> >> Alice can then simply sync `node_announcement`s that contain domain
> links with her LSP:
> >>
> >> ```text
> >>      Alice                                             LSP
> >>        |                                                |
> >>        |                  node_announcement(foobar.com  <
> http://foobar.com>) |
> >>        |<-----------------------------------------------|
> >>        |                  node_announcement(domain.xyz  <
> http://domain.xyz>) |
> >>        |<-----------------------------------------------|
> >>        |                    node_announcement(ln.stuff) |
> >>        |<-----------------------------------------------|
> >>        |                                            ... |
> >>        |<-----------------------------------------------|
> >> ```
> >>
> >> ### Obtain a Bolt 12 offer from the recipient
> >>
> >> This uses exactly the same onion message mechanism as the previous
> proposal.
> >>
> >> ### Advantages and drawbacks
> >>
> >> The main advantage of this proposal is that it relies entirely on
> lightning protocol messages.
> >> Its drawback is that Alice needs to sync some `node_announcement`s to
> obtain the domain owner's `node_id`.
> >> Alice also needs to validate the certificate chain, which is old school
> annoying crypto.
> >> It also doesn't allow domain owners to keep their `node_id` private
> (which may be useful for small community-based nodes).
> >>
> >> ## Option 3: use DNS records to directly store Bolt 12 offers
> >>
> >> Another option would be to make domain owners create one DNS `TXT`
> record for each of their user, directly containing their Bolt 12 offer:
> >>
> >> | hostname                   | record type | value               | TTL
>         |
> >>
> |----------------------------|-------------|---------------------|--------------|
> >> | bob._lnaddress.domain.com  <http://lnaddress.domain.com>. | TXT
>    | lno1qqx2n6mw2fh2... | offer expiry |
> >>
> >> ```text
> >>      Alice
> DNS server
> >>        |
>      |
> >>        | dig TXT bob._lnaddress.domain.com  <
> http://lnaddress.domain.com>                                    |
> >>
> |-------------------------------------------------------------------->|
> >>        |             bob._lnaddress.domain.com  <
> http://lnaddress.domain.com>. IN TXT "lno1qqx2n6mw2fh2..." |
> >>
> |<--------------------------------------------------------------------|
> >> ```
> >>
> >> :warning: Alice should query that DNS record using [DoH](
> https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc8484) for privacy.
> >> She should also query multiple DoH servers to protect from malicious
> ones.
> >>
> >> :warning: Alice should check the AD flag is correctly set (DNSSEC).
> >>
> >> ### Advantages and drawbacks
> >>
> >> The main advantage of this proposal is that it is straightforward for
> the sender and doesn't require any addition to the lightning protocol.
> >>
> >> There are some drawbacks though, mostly for the domain owner, because
> they will need to create a lot of DNS records (one per user).
> >> If they're using a cloud provider, there will be limitations in the
> number of records they are allowed to create.
> >> They may not have programmatic access to perform that operation
> automatically (when a user creates their lightning address).
> >> Cheers,
> >> Bastien
> >>
> >>
> >> _______________________________________________
> >> Lightning-dev mailing list
> >> Lightning-dev@lists.linuxfoundation.org
> >> https://lists.linuxfoundation.org/mailman/listinfo/lightning-dev
> >
> > _______________________________________________
> > Lightning-dev mailing list
> > Lightning-dev@lists.linuxfoundation.org
> > https://lists.linuxfoundation.org/mailman/listinfo/lightning-dev
> _______________________________________________
> Lightning-dev mailing list
> Lightning-dev@lists.linuxfoundation.org
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