Hi folks,

Last year, the replacement cycling attack for LN became publicly
known, presenting a complex challenge for the analysis of mempool and
Lightning Network. Upon reviewing proposed solutions, it initially
appears that they work; however, upon careful consideration, they turn
out to be non-fixes. (I am currently going through the thread
"OP_Expire and Coinbase-Like Behavior: Making HTLCs Safer by Letting
Transactions Expire Safely.")

I'm interested in whether there are any tools or frameworks available
for the automated cryptanalysis of this issue. Ideally, I would like
to have a proof assistant to formally verify that, under specific
assumptions, the Lightning Network is secure against funds loss.
Another option is a framework that models a system of several nodes,
potentially attacking each other. It would streamline the search for
attack vectors automatically by trying different approaches randomly
and identifying profitable behaviors. Known attacks could be used as
test cases within such a framework.

I tried to find existing work in this direction but didn't find
anything. If you know of any, please send it to me. There is Scaling
Lightning project [1] which runs several real nodes. It can be used to
verify the findings.

[1] https://github.com/scaling-lightning/scaling-lightning

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