Le mardi 14 juillet 2009 à 16:21 -0600, Carl Sorensen a écrit :
> Hmm -- I read through the CG and missed it.  Now that I know what I'm
> looking for, I see where it is.  I'll add something to the CG.

Thanks. The general problem when I write instructions in the CG (besides
the fact that I still haven't updated it enough) is that I have in mind
the design of the translation infrastructure, that AFAIK is only known
by Jan, me, and probably a little by Han-Wen and Reinhold. The more I
think about it, the more I find I should write a short paper and/or CG
section that explains the general design of the docs translations
integration, so we can avoid formalizing too many procedure details
related to translations into the CG.

> But if I've changed syntax, and the translated manuals will no longer work
> properly, then I break compilation if I push a patch.
> So in the case of a syntax change that needs a NOT_SMART convert-ly rule, we
> should have some procedure in place to avoid future occurences of this
> problem, it seems to me.

The procedure that used to be applied by Jan, Han-Wen and other
contributors was to apply syntax changes in snippets
(@lilypond/@lilypondfile) to all languages without asking anything, or
(I can't remember whether they have already done so) commenting out or
remove broken snippets in translations. The former is the most sensible
thing to do IMHO.


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