Nicolas Sceaux wrote:
Le 6 déc. 2009 à 06:28, Werner LEMBERG a écrit :
Concerning chord repetition, the issues that have been raised are:
- Which elements should be copied?
Restrict the memorization to note chords (like <c e g>), and exclude
simple notes and rests?
I was recently in a situation where I would have liked to do e.g.
  re''2\rest q4 q8
whereas Alexander suggested not to memorize rests, so that on can write e.g.
  <c c,>8 q r q  q q r q

I think this relates to my preference of relative mode and Dutch note names. In contrary to the absolute mode and Do-re-mi-names, there is nearly no need to repeat single notes with q, since you can just type the note name another time without too much overhead (well, assuming you don't write too many eseses or fancy micro-accidentals).

I have to admit I had to look up \rest; I did not remember this command, and never used it so far. In such a case it really makes sense to have a shortcut for the copying, but IMHO the memoization of "simple rests" is unnecessary. May it be a reasonable decision to remember rests only if they have an attached pitch?

As another idea, I thought about implementing a custom copy policy for myself, which also copies some articulations, eventually those types defined by the user in a dedicated list. This could be done in Scheme: replace the repetition function and plug it in at runtime. It'd be great if a similar approach could also be done concerning copying of simple notes vs. chords: The more you write in relative mode and with "simple" keys, the less you probably want q to memoize.

I'm not sure, though, if such a policy-based version is possible via Scheme (read: at runtime), since it seems to affect the parser.


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