Alexander Kobel <> writes:

> On 2010-10-09 17:46, Mark Polesky wrote:
>> ------------           -------------
>> top-system             top-system
>> top-title              top-markup
>> between-title          markup-markup
>> after-title            markup-system
>> between-system         system-system
>> before-title           system-markup
>> bottom-system          system-bottom
>> between-scores-system  score-system
> Huh.  Sorry that I missed the weekend discussion; in general I support
> these names.

The main problem I see with that naming scheme is that it does not
reflect score sheet design, but the current implementation.

In the design of score sheets, you arrange titles and scores, with
scores having intersystem spacing.

That titles are a form of markup is an implementation detail and nothing
that describes the layout of a score sheet.

That other forms of markup, like top level markup intermissions, don't
get spacing parameters different from titles, again is an implementation
details inherent in the current code base, but without something like an
inherent necessity.

So the proposed scheme ties something presented as document spacing
parameters into internal details of their implementation.

David Kastrup

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