On Fri, Nov 12, 2010 at 7:04 AM, Reinhold Kainhofer

> What I don't really understand why the stretchability of the StaffGrouper
> in
> staves/scores contexts seems to have a completely different unit than the
> stretchability defined in the \paper block. I would have expected that if I
> set e.g. the stretchability between the staves of a StaffGroup to the same
> value as the stretchability in system-system-spacing, then all staves on
> the
> page would be equally spaced, whether they belong to the same or to
> different
> systems... It seems that I have to use a value ~10 times as large for the
> system-system-spacing stretchability...

If you set 'space and 'stretchability to the same value, then this should be
true. Since your system-system-spacing 'space is smaller than your
between-staff-spacing 'space, some of the stretchability value will go
towards compensating for that difference.

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