On 2/12/11 6:39 AM, "Phil Holmes" <m...@philholmes.net> wrote:

> and go to "Spacing of non-staff lines" and then mod that a bit, we get the
> attached file (it's a bit long for in-line, IMO).  This produces the output
> attached.  Don't think that's what we should get.  Does the team think this
> is a bug replacing 1161?

Well, I don't think this is a code bug.  It's a documentation (or
understanding) bug.

If you replace 3 verses of lyrics with 4, then you will have 1 verse with
UP, 2 with CENTER, and 1 with DOWN.  Under these conditions, you'll see that
CENTER doesn't (and shouldn't) mean to center lyrics between staves.

I'm working on some settings that will produce the behavior you'd like to
see.  I hope to have a snippet posted later today.

In the meantime, rather than a new issue, I'd suggest you just post the new
code as a comment on 1161.



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