On Sat, Mar 5, 2011 at 10:18 PM, Mike Solomon <mike...@ufl.edu> wrote:

> Hey all,
> After a bit of back and forth w/ Han Wen, I have drummed up a way to split
> this up such that it can be part of LilyPond in two phases.  It follows his
> suggestion to push all of the non-balloon-related stuff first, and to push
> that second.  It will set the stencil property of FootnoteItem and
> FootnoteSpanner to #f in define-grobs.scm.  This means that whatever people
> write for the annotation part of the footnote will be swallowed up and not
> used, whereas the note part on the bottom of the page will be printed.
> If anyone has arguments for pushing this whole thing in its entirety, let
> me know.  I am in favor of that for the reasons I stated in my previous
> e-mail, but I also realize that big chunks of code pushed all at once can
> make bug tracking interminable.
> If not, the plan is to push the non-balloon-related stuff today, let it
> simmer for a few days, and then push the balloon related stuff used for the
> in-document annotations.  I will make a nice long commit message detailing
> this so that, hopefully, experimental users don't waste hours figuring out
> what happened to their non-appearing annotations.  Alternatively, if anyone
> feels that I should split this up but that I am splitting it up the wrong
> way, please let me know.

That sounds fine to me. Do you have a patch showing the part you are going
to push first? I was happy with the spacing-related code up until your
break-visibility changes, but if you're going to include anything since
then, I'd like to have another quick look (I have to catch a plane in 12
hours; if you put up your patch before then, I'll have a look right away).

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