On 3/6/11 2:44 AM, "Janek Warchoł" <lemniskata.bernoull...@gmail.com> wrote:

> 2011/3/6 Carl Sorensen <c_soren...@byu.edu>:

>>> bars 8,9,11: ugly slurs, bad placement in bar 8
>> I agree with 9 and 11 having ugly slurs -- too sharply peaked.
>> I've changed the slur scoring so that it doesn't try to move slurs away from
>> staff lines.  It cleans up the ugly slurs, at the expense of letting the
>> slurs touch the line.  I've attached a pdf with those changes.
> Looks great!
> And in fact these slurs don't touch staff lines, there is a small
> clearance. I printed it and it looks ok (however, my printer prints
> *very* badly and shaky now, so it should be double-checked).

I've looked at very large magnifications; the slurs in measures 8, 9, 10,
and 11 all touch on one end.

>> I don't think 8 is an ugly slur, or that the placement is bad.  Can you tell
>> me what is ugly about it, and why the placement is bad?
> I'm not sure. Perhaps the left end is too high. I attach output from
> finale 2008 demo, i'd say that something between this and current Lily
> output would be optimal.

Looking at this comparison reminds me of how much I prefer the rounded ends
of the LilyPond slurs to the pointed slurs of Finale.



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