On 4/22/11 1:32 PM, "Olivier Chamley" <olivier.cham...@free.fr> wrote:

> Hi everybody...
> I have some difficulties to understand the minimum-distance setting, I just
> hopped that somebody could explain it to me.
> According to current documentation, minimum-distance is the smallest allowable
> vertical distance, and basic-distance the default one. So with the following
> code, I would expect the staffs to compress down to being stuck together until
> they don't fit in one page, where they would go back to basic-distance spacing
> on two pages.
> \include "italiano.ly"
>   \paper { system-system-spacing = #'((basic-distance . 12) (minimum-
> distance . 0) (padding . 0) (stretchability . 1e7))
>     ragged-right = ##t }
>   \score { \new Staff { \unfoldRepeats { \repeat volta 15 \relative do'' { do4
> re mi fa \break } } } }
> This is not the case ! With the above example, I get two pages. Setting
> minimum-distance to 10 does not change anything. And having both basic-
> distance and minimum-distance to 0, I can have 20 staffs in page...

Yes, because basic-distance is the distance it tries to have.  The layout
will always try to be close to basic-distance; in trying to make things fit
better in can get as close as minimum-distance.  But fitting at
minimum-distance is considered fitting much worse than at basic-distance.

Spacing will not generally go to minimum-distance, and certainly not to
minimum-distance on all staves.



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