On 5/5/11 10:46 AM, "James Lowe" <james.l...@datacore.com> wrote:

> Hello,
> I'm looking at tidying up some parts of this in the NR (not changing anything
> technically) and would like a clarification on something.
> We state:
> --snip--
> The \makeStringTuning function is used to create a string tuning
> without setting the stringTunings property in the current context.
> The arguments to makeStringTuning are the symbol to be
> used for the new string tuning and a chord construct used
> to define the tuning.
> --snip--
> Further up we say (I am paraphrasing)
> --snip--
> \contextStringTuning takes two arguments:
> 1. The symbol in which the string tuning will be stored.
> 2. The chord construct that defines the pitches of each string in the
> tuning.  This must be in absolute octave mode,
> The string with the highest number
> (generally the lowest string) must come first in the chord.
> --snip--
> My question is does \makeStringTuning also require the pitches to be absolute
> mode as well?

Yes.  The chord constructs for defining the tunings are identical for
\contextStringTuning and \makeStringTuning.



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