On 5/6/11 7:03 PM, "percival.music...@gmail.com"
<percival.music...@gmail.com> wrote:

> woah, this is confusing.
> Could go back to the 2nd draft patch, yesterday's version?  That is a
> very nice, self-contained patch.  I'd like to have the official review
> period and get that pushed.
> I have no reason to believe that the other changes are bad; I just think
> that they're premature, and that we lose clarity by including them in
> this commit.
> You can^h^h^h^h^h^h^h^hOne can very easily get the previous draft,
> without losing the later work, in git.  I'm not certain how to do it
> myself, though (I would begin by googling for tips), so I'm hesitant to
> offer to guide you through it.  But it'll be a one- or two-line command,
> that a knowledgeable person can bash out in 30 seconds or so.

You can use git stash (which I don't fully understand and have never used).

But I'd recommend something like the following:

git branch -f new-version
git checkout new-version

git checkout master
git reset --hard <sha1ID of the old version>

This will set your master back to the old version, and will create a new
branch new-version that will be sitting there waiting for you to do further
work on it.



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