On 5/20/11 8:24 AM, "James Lowe" <james.l...@datacore.com> wrote:

> Hello,
> With regard to 'quotedCueEventTypes' and similar, I see in the NR that there
> is an example of explicitly stating which event types you want i.e:
>   \set Score.quotedCueEventTypes = #'(note-event rest-event tie-event
>                                       beam-event tuplet-span-event
>                                       dynamic-event slur-event)
> If I look up Score in internals I see the translator property of
> quotedCueEventTypes is set to '(note-event rest-event tie-event beam-event
> tuplet-span-event).
> If I continue to look up ' quotedCueEventTypes' I only see that it is
> ' A list of symbols, representing the event types that should be duplicated
> for
> \cueDuring commands.'
> But then my trail finishes there.
> So my questions are
> 1. I know that I can use 'dynamic-event' for instance (because I have tried
> it) but there doesn't seem to be an easy way to know if an *-event will or
> will not work/be allowed in this property.

Without trying it, I would assume any event that is in the Voice context
will be usable here.

> 2. Where do I find out or where do I go to see where to find out a function
> like \cueDuring?

Most likely ly/music-functions-init.ly.  You can find it with

git grep cueDuring



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