On 6/15/11 7:35 AM, "Phil Holmes" <m...@philholmes.net> wrote:

> Minor nit-pick?  The doc build generates the following:
> tab-example.ly:42:26: warning: ignoring too many clashing note columns
>   < gis\4 d'\3 fis\2 >2 <

Thanks, Phil.  This is more than a minor nit pick.  This is a bug.

The \voiceOne and \voiceTwo commands are ignored in this file.  If you
compare to an earlier version, you'll see that a bunch of the stems that
used to be up are now down.

Here's a patch that solves the problem for the particular file, but it does
a workaround rather than fix the bug.

diff --git a/Documentation/web/ly-examples/tab-example.ly
index 3f9a8d3..672b7c8 100644
--- a/Documentation/web/ly-examples/tab-example.ly
+++ b/Documentation/web/ly-examples/tab-example.ly
@@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ upper= \relative c' {
   \set Staff.midiInstrument = #"acoustic guitar (steel)"
   \set fingeringOrientations = #'(left)
-  \partial 4. \acciaccatura c16 \glissando cis8 e4
+  \partial 4. \acciaccatura c16 \glissando \voiceOne cis8 e4
   < cis-1 g'-3 >2 s8 \grace a16 ( \glissando < b-2 >8\3 ) < d-1 > ( b )
   < e-3 >\2 ( <d-1> b ) \grace < ais-2 >16 ( \glissando a8 g ) s4.
   s4. < d'\3 g\2 >8 < gis,\4  d'\3 fis\2 >2\arpeggio ~
@@ -45,7 +45,7 @@ upper= \relative c' {
 lower= \relative c {
   \set fingeringOrientations = #'(left)
-  \partial 4. s4.
+  \partial 4. s4. \voiceTwo
   s4 e,4 s2
   s2 s8 < e'-3 >4. ~
   e4 \hideFretNumber \grace { b8 \glissando s4 } < e-2 >4\5 e,2 ~

I'll see if I can get the bug down to a tiny example.



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