2011/8/4 Xavier Scheuer <x.sche...@gmail.com>:

> That has been registered as issue #1774, isn't it?
> http://code.google.com/p/lilypond/issues/detail?id=1774

Not quite.  Gould makes an exception for semibreves with adjacent
notes; in this case, they should be aligned as if they had stems:

\version "2.15.9"

\new Staff \relative c' {
  \set Staff.implicitTimeSignatureVisibility = #all-invisible
  \set Staff.explicitClefVisibility = #all-invisible
  \set Staff.instrumentName = #"LilyPond"
  <f g>4 q1
  <c' d e>4 q\breve
      <b c d>4 q1
      <d e>4 q1
      <f, d c>4 q1
      <b c>4 q1

\new Staff \relative c' {
  \set Staff.implicitTimeSignatureVisibility = #all-invisible
  \set Staff.explicitClefVisibility = #all-invisible
  \set Staff.instrumentName = #"Gould, p. 50"
  <f g>4 q1
  <c' d e>4 q\breve
      <b c d>4 q1
      <d e>4 q1
      <f, d c>4 q1
      \once \override NoteColumn #'force-hshift = #1.4
      <b c>4
      \once \override NoteColumn #'force-hshift = #1.3

I can't see anything relevant in Stone; Read is a bit vague (but I
think he basically agrees with Gould on this).


<<attachment: adjacent-chord-poly.png>>

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