On 8/8/11 6:07 AM, "Aleksandr Andreev" <aleksandr.andr...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi Jan,
> Thanks for your comments.
>> In case of noteheads, i suppose that everything would be best defined in
>> staff_space.  For stems (as i understand there are special characters for
>> stems) stafflinethickness will be more appropriate.
> Right now, I've got the notehead and stem being drawn as one
> character. Is this a bad idea?

It's a fine idea, as long as you don't want to have stems or beams.  You'll
want to remove the stem_engraver and the beam_engraver from places you use
Kievan square notes.

>> However, i may be mistaken since i don't see the code.
> Here's the file I'm working with right now:
> http://www.ponomar.net/files/metasuprasl.mf
> And here's a proof sheet to make your life easier:
> http://www.ponomar.net/files/metasuprasl.pdf

The glyphs look very nice.

I *think* you'll want to use fet_beginchar instead of beginchar.

> Would it be appropriate to define a basis unit u in terms of
> stafflinethickness and then specify the points in terms of u?

I think that staff_space would be a better basis than stafflinethickness.
staff_space governs the overall size of things.

> Where is the origin?

I believe that the origin is at the center of the note head.  That's the
basis under which I worked on the shape note heads.



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