On 13 August 2011 20:06, Carl Sorensen <c_soren...@byu.edu> wrote:

> De we have a standard for how much indentation we should have for each type
> of compound expression?
> define
> let
> begin
> all get two, apparently.
> I see some sources that show that
> list
> gets one.
> Are you aware of a definitive statement I can follow?

Not really; I'm just comparing it to Emacs* (which is by no means
perfect; I've got several additions to my .emacs file for things like
lambda* and parameterize).


> How did you do this?  Did you do tab expansion on the file in an editor,
> then run it through guileindent.scm?

Yes (M-x untabify).

> Once I've fixed all the issues you've raised and done some more
> experimentation, I'll post a new patch.


I could've listed some more issues, but I think the majority of them
are glaringly obvious in the diff.


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