I see the following critical issues:

2160    document LILYPOND_WEB_MEDIA_GIT
2100    Patch: CG: explanation of branches for the impatient
1948    Windows install clobbered system PATH
1943    lilypond after 2.15.8 fails on x86 Macs
1933    Lilypond-book requires msvcrt again

1933, 1943, 1948 concern proprietary platforms and don't appear to
                 be relevant to releasing a version on GNU/Linux.
2100 and 2160    are not a concern for users.

There is, actually, a wagonload of other changes underfoot that does not
appear quite compatible with releasing a version called "stable" to me.
It seems strange to me that the _above_ should be the critical ones.
Critical enough that we don't even bother with trying to stabilize the
remaining situation.

David Kastrup

lilypond-devel mailing list

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