On Sun, Feb 19, 2012 at 11:59 AM, David Kastrup <d...@gnu.org> wrote:

> "m...@apollinemike.com" <m...@apollinemike.com> writes:
> > I've now optimized the crap out of this sucker and cached as much as I
> > can cache.
> I'm not sure the caching is of much help.  What kind of information
> would save recalculation?
> >  For example, I get the sense that the new key signature skyline
> > function is not much faster than the old, which means that either the
> > lookups of cached accidental skylines or the merging of these skylines
> > to create the signature takes a lot of time.
> "Merging" sounds like O(n^2) unless one takes precautions.

No, it's O(n + m). (m is the length of the other skyline). Building a
skyline from scratch is O(n log n). However, there may be room for more
heuristics that speed things up (see non_overlapping_skyline, which
resulted in a measurable speedup).
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