Janek Warchoł <janek.lilyp...@gmail.com> writes:

> On Thu, Feb 23, 2012 at 1:18 PM, Graham Percival
> <gra...@percival-music.ca> wrote:
>> On Wed, Feb 22, 2012 at 04:52:00PM -0800, Janek Warchol wrote:
>>> It would be good indeed if you have a mentor; unfortunately, i don't think
>>> you'll find one here, on frogs.  It's hard to find a mentor in general...
>>> I'm not much Lily-knowledgeable, so i don't think i would be a good mentor
>>> for you,
>> Really?  Which responsibility are you unable to fulfill?  There
>> are 7 responsibilities.  Tell me the EXACT number that you cannot
>> do.
>> http://lilypond.org/doc/v2.15/Documentation/contributor/mentors
>> (note that points 4 and 5 should be rewritten for the new patch
>> handling and staging)
>> Pavel Roskin is doing everything right.  He's clearly read the CG,
>> he's submitted stuff to rietveld, he's actively trying to get help
>> in the manner that we want people to ask for help.  But once his
>> patches get through the countdown, nobody wants to bother taking
>> responsibility for getting the final git patch and pushing it.
>> He's one of the easiest people to mentor.
> Of course i can do it.  (Pavel, if you have problems with getting the
> patch pushed, or you have trouble getting reviews, or it seems that
> your patch is being overlooked - let me know and i'll try to help!)
> My concern was that Pavel's a skilled contributor whose primary need
> is advice on coding - for example cross-staff stems thing.  All advice
> i can provide (without digging through the code myself, which i'd love
> to do but don't have time to because of Google Summer of Code and
> other organizational stuff) was what i wrote: "try looking at grid
> lines code".  That's definitely not enough for efficient mentoring :(

"Try asking on the developer list."  "Find an angle that makes this
problem interesting for Mike."

The job of a mentor is not the same as the job of a teacher.  You need
not provide answers, just offer advice on how or where to find them.

> I'm already quite often not sleeping because of Lily and it's going to
> be worse.

Don't give more than you can sustain.  Ever.  You are not doing anybody
a favor, even though it may seem so to some.  But those will be the
first to complain when you are drained.

David Kastrup

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