On Sat, Jun 30, 2012 at 7:42 AM, Werner LEMBERG <w...@gnu.org> wrote:

> Consider this example file `foo.ly':
>   \version "2.15.41"
>   \paper {
>     page-breaking = #ly:one-line-breaking
>   }
>   \header {
>     copyright = ##f
>     footer = ##f
>     tagline = ##f
>   }
>   \relative c' {
>     \repeat unfold 200 { d16 d d d e e e e f f f f g g g g }
>   }
> If called with
>   lilypond --png foo.ly
> I get a PNG file with the dimensions 58201x1181.  This is far too
> high.  If you load this in GIMP and do an autocrop operation, you get
> a size of 58123x52.  Adding a 40px top and bottom margin (similar to
> the left and right one), the correct height would be approx. 130px.
> Where do the additional vertical 1000px come from?  Looks like a
> bug...

It comes from the height of the page: ly:one-line-breaking doesn't
(currently) adjust the height, but only the width.

> And what about documentation of ly:one-line-breaking?  In particular,
> I miss the constraints (besides ignoring the paper format), for
> example, whether \header is ignored, or whether the `indent' parameter
> in the \paper block gets honoured.

Point taken, I'll write some documentation...

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