This is interesting.  This should refer to issue 2560, as correctly entered in 
the commit message, but git cl for some reason selected issue 2540, and I 
failed to notice the error, and even copied it when composing my text.

As I'm still feeling my way with the new (for me) git cl, could someone please 
advise how best to correct this.


----- Original Message ----- 
From: <>
To: <>
Sent: Friday, July 06, 2012 11:05 PM
Subject: Re: [Lilypond-auto] Issue 2540 in lilypond: Patch: Give \tweak an 
optional grob parameter for tweaking indirect grobs

> Updates:
> Labels: Patch-new
> Comment #13 on issue 2540 by Patch: Give \tweak an  
> optional grob parameter for tweaking indirect grobs
> Doc: more comprehensive documentation of layout block (2560)
>   I've essentially copied the text and examples from Urs'
>   suggestions in issue 2540, just changing the wording here
>   and there to match the style of the NR.  As I have not myself
>   checked the stated operation of layout blocks I'd welcome
>   careful consideration of this patch by those familiar with
>   their workings.
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