On 29 nov. 2012, at 10:13, k-ohara5...@oco.net wrote:

> On 2012/11/29 08:28:31, mike7 wrote:
>> On 29 nov. 2012, at 03:23, mailto:k-ohara5...@oco.net wrote:
> http://codereview.appspot.com/6827072/diff/18003/lily/box-quarantine.cc#newcode69
>> > lily/box-quarantine.cc:69: int mid = ii0.mid_;
>> >  assert ((double)(ii0.index - mid) >= 0.0)
>> it is possible, for example, that ii0.index is 0 and mid
>> is 3 (mid represents the middle index of the vector).
>  ii0.index_ = 0;
>  mid = 3;
>  printf("%f\n",(double)(ii0.index_ - mid));
> 4294967293.000000

woah...totally over my head, but ok, convinced

>> > add-stem-support = #f doesn't seem to work very well with beams
>> > with this patch.
>> One can write a lambda function ...
> But I want to set Wilder Reiter (my favorite piece when I was eight, and
> the example we discussed where fingerings go alongside stems)
> <http://imslp.org/wiki/File:PMLP02707-Schumann_-_Album_für_die_Jugend.pdf>
> and I don't know how to write lambda functions.

I wrote a lambda function. Regest added.

> http://codereview.appspot.com/6827072/diff/18003/scm/define-grobs.scm#newcode909
>> > scm/define-grobs.scm:909: (FingeringCollision
>> > This would need a convert-ly rule.  Why change the name ?
>> >
>> You recommended that in a previous review.
> Well I must have been suffering from a case of the stupids, because
> FingeringColumn was a perfect name for a column of fingering
> indications.   Now I'm suffering a case of amnesia trying to think of
> what I could have meant.

from days of yore...

lily/box-quarantine.cc:24: Box_quarantine::Box_quarantine (Real padding,
Axis a)
So far it looks like this handles fingering only.  Other similar
problems are handled with a XX_Collision object, so maybe just call this
Fingering_Collision ?
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