Hello list,

while trying to create a cueDuringWithLyrics command, I stumbled over an issue:
To make the mentioned command, I create SimultaneousMusic containing
1. the music of the main voice (usually rests)
2. a named CueVoice containing quoteDuring
3. a Lyrics context, associated to the CueVoice

If there are no Lyrics, this works as expected. If the Lyrics context has syllables until the end of the CueVoice *and* the music-length of the main Voice is less or equal to the music-length of the CueVoice, the timing of music after this SimultaneousMusic passage is "disturbed".
I attached an example containaing two scores, displaying this issue.

Can someone deal with this?

Best, Jan-Peter

Attachment: simultaneousLyrics-Bug.pdf
Description: Adobe PDF document

\version "2.16.1"

% log process music
logeng = #(lambda (context)
            `((process-music .
                ,(lambda (trans)
                   (ly:message "~A - ~A - ~A"
                     (ly:context-name context)
                     (ly:context-property context 'currentBarNumber)
                     (ly:context-property context 'measurePosition))

% some notes
music = \relative {
  c4 e g a
postmusic = { \music c''1 }

\score {
  % Staff, CueVoice and Lyrics log every process-music call
  % It should be equivalent, if the notes past this cue-section 
  % are given within or after the SimultaneousMusic passage
    \new Staff \with { \consists \logeng } {
          \voiceOne R1
        \new CueVoice = "cue" \with {
          \consists \logeng
        } \relative {
          \voiceTwo \music
        \new Lyrics \with {
          \consists \logeng
        } \lyricsto "cue" \lyricmode { la la la la la }
      % if the post notes are given after the Simul. passage, notes are squashed to a chord
    \new Staff \with { \consists \logeng } {
          % here everything is fine
          \voiceOne R1 \postmusic
        \new CueVoice = "cue" \with {
          \consists \logeng
        } \relative {
          \voiceTwo \music
        \new Lyrics \with {
          \consists \logeng
        } \lyricsto "cue" \lyricmode { la la la la la }

\score {
    \new Staff \with { \consists \logeng } {
          \voiceOne R1
        \new CueVoice = "cue" \with {
          \consists \logeng
        } \relative {
          \voiceTwo \music
        \new Lyrics \with {
          \consists \logeng
        } \lyricsto "cue" \lyricmode { la la la la la }
      % if the post notes are given after the Simul. passage, notes are squashed to a chord
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