On Wed, Mar 13, 2013 at 4:33 PM, Janek Warchoł <janek.lilyp...@gmail.com>wrote:

> On Wed, Mar 13, 2013 at 12:27 AM, Joe Neeman <joenee...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > The easiest way to define get_grob is to make 'align-to a list of
> symbols,
> > which you interpret as a path from the current grob to the grob you want
> to
> > align it to. For example, if me is NoteHead and 'align-to is '(X-parent,
> > stem) then you go from "me" to
> > me->get_object("X-parent")->get_object("stem").
> >
> > The disadvantage of this approach is that you ask users to know about
> which
> > grobs have references to which other grobs; IIRC, this is not in the user
> > documentation right now.
> Is there any place with such information?  I don't recall seeing
> anything like that.  It would be useful.

Grep for ly:grob? and ly:grob-array? in scm/define-grob-properties.scm.
Although they're documented in the same place as properties, the properties
with type ly:grob? and ly:grob-array? should actually be part of the object
alist, not the property alist (ie. they are accessible with get_object, not
get_property). But I'm not sure if the list in
scm/define-grob-properties.scm is complete, since the sanity checks in the
regression tests only check that things in the /property/ alists are
documented. So you may also need to grep the source for set_object and

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