Thank you, David.
File input/regression/ (right):
input/regression/ (set! meta-entry (assoc-set!
meta-entry 'name grob-name))
On 2013/07/23 12:31:25, dak wrote:
Of course, these lines are also modifying constants.

Yes, but this routine is cribbed from completize-grob-entry, which
suffers from the same issues as you pointed out.  Shouldn't this be a
focus of another issue which addresses major problems in
define-grobs.scm?  My intention here was simply to fix a minor glitch.
input/regression/ (set! lst (assoc-set! lst
'name (car x)))
On 2013/07/23 12:31:25, dak wrote:
And these modify constants as well.

Yes; again, shouldn't this be the focus of another issue?
input/regression/ (event-drul (cons '()
On 2013/07/23 12:31:25, dak wrote:
Frankly, just throw out the crap event-drul and current-event, and
instead use
event-start and event-stop instead of (car event-drul) and (cdr
current-event also is never set to anything except (car event-drul),
so you can
just replace it with event-start.

This whole file is a huge parade of bad code.

OK, will do.
input/regression/ (set! event-drul (cons '()
On 2013/07/23 12:31:25, dak wrote:
You could do (set-car! event-drul '())
              (set-cdr! event-drul '())
instead in order to not create a new cons cell.

OK, will do.

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