Graham Percival writes:

> On Thu, Sep 26, 2013 at 02:05:44PM +0200, Jan Nieuwenhuizen wrote:
>> - plain email-based patch submission using a benevolent dictator,
>>   ie, use git the way it was designed and is still used by the
>>   creators (linux, git).
> Are you volunteering to be that benevolent dictator?

I'm sorry, not at this time.

> Spend, say, 15 hours a week reviewing and approving patches?  I have
> no quarrel if you want to do that.

I do not share this assumption that this setup would cost time.  What I
am suggesting is that this may help David and core developers if he
would take this up.  I think that the continued success of Linux
is for a great part a result of this development setup.

The dictator works closely only with one to three core developers hardly
bothers with the rest.  He does invest some time in getting those core
developers to create the kind of patches and code that he likes, so that
after some time he can pull their patches with hardly looking at them at
all.  And that as a network all the way down.  That ensures a very high
level of quality, while freeing up the people at the core.

> The whole system is set up to minimize the demands on main
> developers.  Any solution which shifts the burden away from
> contributors and onto main developers is IMO bad for LilyPond.

Of course.


Jan Nieuwenhuizen <> | GNU LilyPond
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