----- Original Message ----- From: "Janek Warchoł" <janek.lilyp...@gmail.com>
To: "LilyPond Development Team" <lilypond-devel@gnu.org>
Sent: Saturday, December 07, 2013 5:15 PM
Subject: contributing instructions are misleading!


i'm infuriated.  A new contributor had turned up, read CG and sent his
patch to the "frogs" mailing list, which, as far as i know, is dead
(and since lilynet is down, i'm not sure it's actually working at

This is absolutely unacceptable.  Not only is our contributing process
complicated, but the instructions we give are misleading!

I'm so angry that I'll actually go through the CG and update the
instructions right now, and will push directly to staging.  I don't
want to waste time on discussions this time, and i dont' actually have
time to go through formal review.  Any comments and adjustments are
welcome - please just send follow-up patches.

If anyone doesn't like what i'm going to do, please protest swiftly.


The CG is developer material. Feel free to correct it and push to staging _if_ you've checked it with a full make _and_ a make doc. I frequently do. If you can't check with make/make doc, create a patch and let James test it and then push without countdown.

Remember, it's only wrong because you, me, David and everyone else who contributes didn't notice it and correct it.

Phil Holmes

lilypond-devel mailing list

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