Am 20.02.2014 10:58, schrieb David Kastrup:
> I have already been told by the Mageia maintainer that LilyPond would
> likely stop getting distributed by them if it continues to require
> GUILEv1.  While I'm not sure if and when this threat will come true, we
> _are_ pissing off distribution maintainers by now with this requirement.
huah, it is worse than I thought.

> Not really: the XML libraries are also available for GUILEv1.  But in
> general, large-scale architecture extensions should not be done based on
> GUILEv1.  That does not make sense.
I tried once to get this running but left it, because it was more than
just install and work. I also tried to write a guile extension to start
a java-jvm. No joke, it is running and I can display lilypond code in a
web-browser from an arbitrary music-expression. But of course it is
really unstable - I think it is not a good idea to have two garbage
collectors running the same time. And of course this project is pure
procrastination ;)

> I've stalled
> <URL:> for quite
> a while yet since some parts of it would be better/differently done
> using GUILEv2.
Would it also be easier to make lilypond a library, if it is based on
guile v2?

Best, Jan-Peter

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