On Mon, 30 Jun 2014 14:40:17 -0700, <pkx1...@gmail.com> wrote:

Is it worth making the Notation Reference longer?

What do you suggest?

Depending on your opinion about the NR length, maybe leaving these examples in 
lsr only.

Documentation/notation/pitches.itely:1325: \override
Staff.KeySignature.flat-positions = #'((-5 . 5))
On 2014/06/29 03:17:00, Keith wrote:
This already shows how to print key signatures over a different or
wider range
of the staff.  You might consider this good enough.

I don't understand what you mean. Good enough compared to what?

Good enough alone, without the creating-custom-key-signatures.ly snippet.
The double-clef would fit in tweaking-clef-properties.ly

Or, the double-clef might be a better example for \translate in appendix A.10.2
\markup {
     \musicglyph #"clefs.C"
     \translate #'(2.5 . 2) \musicglyph #"clefs.G"

If you don't mind the NR length, this all looks good as it is.

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