2015-07-18 17:57 GMT+02:00 Federico Bruni <f...@inventati.org>:
> What do you think about these instructions?
> http://lilypond.org/doc/v2.19/Documentation/contributor/pushing-to-staging
> I have a few comments, but I'm not sure about any of them:
> 1. There's no real purpose in pulling and rebasing the staging branch,
> assuming that this branch should be "clean" (we should work on master or on
> a local branch).

agreed: I don't need a local master or staging branch at all.
all my branches are based on origin/master; on staging see below.

> 2. That page should explain how to generate a patch with format-patch. I
> think that `git format-patch origin` works most of the times, at least in my
> setup.

I'm not a big fan of creating and sending around patches; dev branches
are more comfortable for me.

> 3. I don't like much the `git merge` approach suggested for those who work
> with local branches, as the git log is a bit messed up (a merge commit is
> added, often faraway from the commit containing the real changes). I'd
> rather suggest using format-patch and git am even in this case.

I prefer working with local branches, using rebase instead of merge like

$ git checkout my_branch_name
$ git fetch
$ git rebase origin/staging
[fix conflicts, run all checks, repeat from fetch, etc.]
$ git push origin HEAD:staging


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