David Kastrup wrote Monday, September 21, 2015 10:28 AM

> "Trevor Daniels" <t.dani...@treda.co.uk> writes:
>> We usually use Patch needs_work to cover the situation where the
>> current patch is inadequate and further work is in progress.  I'd
>> rather adopt my interpretation as a more useful use of this limited
>> set of markers, namely that Patch abandoned really means, "I've given
>> up on working on this issue and the current patch is now up for grabs
>> for someone else to improve on it."
> That's issue ownership.  And the difference between "Started" and
> "Accepted".

OK, I can accept that.  So, to elaborate a little on James' post,
the point of which is to enable some old inactive issues/patches 
to be cleared up, in the event of inaction for 6 months (say):

  Status:Started -> Status:Accepted
  Owner -> ""
  Patch: needs_work -> Patch:abandoned

So the final state of an issue which has been inactive for more
than 6 months reverts to "Accepted" with no Owner, and the final 
state of the latest associated patch reverts to "abandoned" or 
remains "waiting", and in the latter case this should be qualified 
by the Needs field.  That makes it clear the issue is free to be
picked up by someone else, either by starting from scratch or
continuing to develop an earlier abandoned patch.

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