
>> 1) It is in *English* ...
> So let's try cutting it down to something language independent and
> short.  Like
> 𝄵 www.lilypond.org

What is the tiny symbol in front of the url? A time signature but why?

>> 2) In general such a phrase looks *unprofessional* to me ...
> Shrug.  Professional and unheard of does not help us.

I agree with that.

>> % for online distribution the www part can be dropped, it is intended
>> % for printed scores which don't profit from the link.
> The fate of PDF is to be printed.  Particularly those who have never
> heard of LilyPond are rather likely to receive a piece of paper rather
> than a PDF file.

Yes, that's why I mostly (always?) keep the website. On the other hand,
people are used to enter search terms in their browser to find out more.
so it is more an invitation ("you can/will find more online") than
really required information.


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