
On 22/05/16 08:43, Federico Bruni wrote:
I don't think so. It's supposed to work out-of-the-box in LilyDev, but I forgot to include this package in LilyDev 4.1. See warning in the release note:

Il giorno dom 22 mag 2016 alle 3:54, John Gourlay <j...@weathervanefarm.net> ha scritto:
Thank you! Installing the package lmodern fixed the problem. Shouldn’t this instruction be part of the Contributor’s Guide?

On May 20, 2016, at 1:36 AM, Federico Bruni <f...@inventati.org> wrote:

Il giorno ven 20 mag 2016 alle 5:10, John Gourlay <j...@weathervanefarm.net> ha scritto:
I’m trying to set up a new LilyDev development system after some kind of VirtualBox error that trashed my old one. I’ve run “make” successfully in my ~/lilypond-git/build directory, and lilypond runs. When I run “make doc”, however, I get errors. One of the messages from make directed me to look at a log file named suffix-lyxml.dblatex.log. This file contains the following messages about invalid fonts. Have I overlooked something in setting up my system?

 Install the package lmodern:

 sudo apt-get install lmodern

 Added to LilyDev only one month ago:


I am confused here.

Had John not used LilyDev but followed the documented CG instructions for whatever Linux distribution - had he had one already installed - then he wouldn't have hit this issue I suspect, I say that as someone who compiles doc most days on both Ubuntu and Fedora and have tested and documented all the instructions for all the distributions listed in the CG and on my own 'at home' Fedora install I don't see any 'modern' fonts installed if I run the command:

fc-list | grep modern

(or 'grep lm')

I can also see that the XeteX package listed in Debian's repos shows lmodern as 'recommended' however on my own system I have texlive-xetex installed and yet I still don't see lmodern installed, so it must not be a dep on Fedora either.

lmodern is not a req as far as I can tell.

So what is special about LilyDev?



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