I think you will definitely have to back out the current commit, add the images and repush to staging. My notes on how to do this:

Removing and recreating staging

First do something like
git fetch
git log -3 origin/staging

to be really, really sure what commit you want to have in staging rather
than the one that currently is there, and that you are sure that you
will only lose your own commit and nothing else. Then do

git push origin :staging
git push origin commit-id-that-you-actually-wanted:refs/heads/staging

The first line deletes the staging branch, the second reestablishes it.


Then push your new patch.

Phil Holmes

----- Original Message ----- From: "Paul" <p...@paulwmorris.com>
To: <lilypond-devel@gnu.org>
Sent: Saturday, September 24, 2016 2:02 PM
Subject: Re: Staging not merging with master - make website fails

Hello James,

Thanks for your message. I was wondering what had gone wrong... What's the best way to fix things from here? Should I back out my commit on staging and redo the push with a new patch with images included? I'm not sure how to back out a commit on a remote branch... Locally I would just do:

  git checkout staging
  git reset --hard HEAD~

Would it work to just do:

  git checkout origin/staging
  git reset --hard HEAD~

I'll wait until I hear back before doing anything.

Thanks again,

On 09/24/2016 06:48 AM, James Lowe wrote:

commit    29941d96aa9942cfe914440b90b49ff7e015742e

 From Paul is missing its image files - they have been uploaded into
LilyPond Extra but need to be included in this commit in staging.


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